Pjo as MCU characters and why I think that

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Not all the main pjo characters are in this, and not all main MCU characters will be here.

None of these are perfect but they're my best bet and own interpretation.

Jason - Captain America:

I know that everyone says that he would be Thor, but I think that he would be Captain America. Thor is very impulsive and is not very serious. Captain America is very considerate of every single person, He refuses to let anybody die which is a good thing I supposed, but with some people they understand that a body count is a body count: 5 people dead to save 500 people. Captain America refuses that, some view that as a good thing to be that as a bad thing. And Captain America is kind of the goody-two-shoes out of the bunch, especially the whole 'language' thing. I think that Jason is the goody-two-shoes out of the pjo characters. He also wants to save everybody and I just think he fits the personality better. He is a leader himself and especially the power struggles so that's what I think.

Frank - The Hulk:

So I was on the fence about this. I was like he could be the Hulk or he could be Hawkeye because of the archery but in the end I went with the Hulk. Frank is a very gentle guy just like Bruce banter, he's the kind of guy who once in awhile just stop and goes "what is happening". He's very normal, he's not common but he's general, he's friendly just like Bruce Banner. But when he does get mad and he does decide that, you know this is the time to be a powerful: transform, you know watch out cuz he will kill you. They also share the thing that they both transformed, not just because Frank transforms into an animal but also the blessing of Mars thing and that yeah they're both people who have power that they are a little insecure of. 

Hazel - Scarlet witch:

The Scarlet Witch is very cautious about her power, she is shy, and everything she does is planned out because her powers did hurt someone and she lost someone very dear to her. How powerful she is haunts her a little bit and she's scared. she eventually grew into that power and became a complete badass but still a nice person. I feel like hazel is the same way she lost someone very dear to her because of her power it was not her fault but I think she blames herself a little. she is a child of the big three. She's incredibly powerful but her power haunts her a little bit and she grew into an amazing person very sweet and I think they match up. 

Leo - Iron man:

So the one difference between Leo and Iron-man is the fact that Iron Man is natural with women Leo is not. But they're both absolute Geniuses with tech and can spend hours upon days in the lab with no company from others. And both of the females they are currently seeing are currently the boss in the relationship. they're both sassy and snap back with quick comments. Overall I don't feel like I need to explain this one. 

Nico - Nick Fury:

So Nick Fury kind of just appears out of nowhere with answers and problems and solutions just like Nico, like when he appears out of nowhere with a "jump in the sticks I'll fix everything" and "I know how to get to the doors of death even though I've been a jar for 6 days". Also they're both kind of mysterious and like to pop out of nowhere like that thing when Nick came out of the back corner of the shed with the burnt-out light bulb. So yeah I feel like they are pretty similar. Also the fact that they're both main characters even if they're not always present.

Thalia - Black widow:

 So I had a little debating whether this be Annabeth and Thalia. However I think that Thalia fits her better because I think that black widow has gone through losing a sibling just like Thalia. The fact that she is very much a lone wolf like Thalia, does very well on her own and Annabeth can too, but I think Annabeth's more social. Annabeth's more of a team person and she's super-smart and black widow and is also very smart but more street smart. But Black widow is more violence like Thalia. Overall they're badasses. Plus the all black.

Percy - Loki/Spider man

So I don't think one person fits Percy, and I know that none of the characters perfectly fit the pjo characters, but Percy was a really hard one, which is a good thing cuz that shows that he is a truly unique character. my best way to describe him is he has the attitude and snappy Snap-backs and the restlessness and recklessness of Loki, (He also kind of looks like him, I mean: vivid green eyes, black hair, incredibly hot) but he's also Peter Parker so much. Because Peter Parker looks up to his mentors so much and he was always missing a dad figure and he's a teenager stuck in a grown-up's world and at the beginning of his journey everyone around here knew what was going on but him, so I just think he would relate a lot to Peter Parker.

I'll probably do a part 2. Tell me your opinions: if you agree or disagree, any suggestions are welcome. I love feedback! 

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