Chapter 11

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Will and Kit were still sat in the kitchen and as they could hear Ali's music blasting through the walls Will thought this would be the best time to talk to Kit about Ali.

'Hey so I was talking to Ali last night'

'Oh yeah, is everything okay?'

'Yeah so I know you told me not to meddle but she was really upset and I'

'Wait, she was upset? What was wrong? Did I do something to upset her' Kit looked at Will with sad eyes

'No of course not, she can just get like that sometimes her anxiety makes me feel like good stuff that is happening to her is ultimately going to turn out bad'


'Yeah well anyway, she said that she feels the same as you, you know like I told you she did anyway'

A smile had reached Kits face now, 'she feels the same, did she really tell you that?'

'Yes she really likes you she just doesn't know how to make a move or how to express these feelings. So you're going to have to make a move, tonight!'

'Tonight at the concert?'

'Yeah it'd be a your last chance, she goes back home tomorrow and you don't know when the next time you'll see each other will be'

'Right, yeah, I completely forgot that she'd be having to go home tomorrow' Kit sat and pondered 'yeah okay I'll definitely make a move tonight' Will just smiled at him as he finished cleaning the kitchen up.

'Hey Will, do you wanna come to the shops with me? I've realised I haven't got anything to wear for tonight and I'm freaking out' Ali shouted from the spare bedroom.

As much as Will loved spending time with his best friend he hated shopping, it was so boring to him so he decided to come up with an excuse so Kit could go with her.

'Sorry Al, I have to go over to Yasmins for a bit I told her I'd help her build some furniture in her new apartment but I'm sure Kit will be up for going with you' Will glanced over at Kit smugly, Kits eye widened waiting to hear Ali's reply.

Two seconds later they heard the door of the bedroom open and slippers shuffling on the floor as Ali walked into the living room where the two boys sat.

'Oh okay, you really don't have to I'll be fine going on my own l just need something new to wear'

Kit sat up from his currently slouched position

'No I'll come with you, I'm sure you can help me find something new to wear too' Kit said smiling at Ali

'Okay, well we'll have to leave soon if that's okay? I just need to go get changed'

'Yeah that sounds good, I'm ready whenever you are'

Ali headed back into the spare room whilst Will and Kit just smiled at each other.

'Ready?' Ali said as she walked into the room. She was wearing her black mom jeans, a white tank top and a bright orange oversized zip up hoodie was laid over her shoulders. Every time Kit looked at her, he thought she just looked more and more beautiful, Kit snapped out of his gaze and finally replied to Ali 'yeah I'm ready, let's go'.

They headed towards Ali's car just making general conversation especially about how excited they both were for the concert tonight. As they were driving towards the town centre Ali said 'so you caused quite a stir in my group chat this morning'

Kit looked at her puzzled having absolutely no clue what she was talking about 'what group chat?'

'My netball teams group chat, I looked on it this morning and all the girls were saying how gorgeous you were they were also laughing about whether you were able to keep up with me in the gym' Ali said glancing quickly over at Kit whose cheeks were now going a shade of pink

The Actor and The Athlete [A Kit Connor FanFic]Where stories live. Discover now