Chapter 9 {another fight}

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POV: George

It's Monday morning now and I have to get ready for school which I am not happy about. The biggest reason is because on Monday, most of my classes include Floris.

I get out of my comfy bed and went straight to my closet. I wasn't feeling to fancy today so I went with a basic light blue hoodie and some black jeans which were kind of baggy but not too much.

I arrived at my school and my mood dropped instantly as the first person I saw was Floris standing at the entrance. I kind of am guessing that he is waiting for me to talk but I really don't want to talk with him so I want to the football field. There is also an entrance to school.

I got to my locker and took out some books I will be needing today. I never leave my bag in there as I don't trust these lockers.

The bell rang which meant the first lesson will start in 5 minutes. I calmly went to the classroom and when I got there I froze. Floris is going to be there too and he is sitting next to me. This can't be good. Should I text Dream just to be safe? Nah, I will be fine.

I slowly got to my seat and to my surprise, Floris wasn't there jet. Not that I am complaining.

Soon the lesson started and he still wasn't here. Just as I was about to feel relieved, the door opened there came the devil himself. Floris.

"Sorry for being late, something came up on my way here. Won't happen again." He said in his oh so innocent voice.

"It's okey Floris, now go sit down." Our teacher said, pointing at our seat.

He nodded and came straight to our seat.

"Hey..." he whispered. I just ignored him.

"Am I getting the silent treatment?" he asked with a pout. I just gave him a glare and whispered a silent "shut up". He looked at me unamused and then back to the teacher.

For the rest of the lesson, he didn't say a word and I was really happy about it.

Few lessons later and it was lunch time and I was kind of hungry but not too much. I didn't bother to take a plate and just took a basic sandwich and one apple juice packet. I looked around and immediately saw my friends at a table sitting and chatting. I went straight to them and got greeted by everyone.

"Hi Gogy! What's up?" Karl asked curios.

"Nothing much. I am back at the single club tho" I say smiling.

"Wait! Did you finally break up with Floris?" Tommy asked excited.

"Yeah... He tried to harass me and i couldn't stand it anymore." I say now getting kinda sad at the thought.

"Oh shit! He's such a asshole. I never liked him anyway" Karl said now. I just giggeled and sat down next to them.

"Let's talk about something different. I don't want to talk about useless people"

For rest of the lunch we chatted and laughed at our own jokes. The whole time I could feel someone staring at me and I kind of could guess who it could be but I just ignored it.

The final bell rang and I could finally go back home. I slowly walked to the exit but before I could reach it someone gripped my shoulder and pushed me to the wall.

"You little bitch! Thinking you could ignore me now! We are at school so your new BeTtEr boyfriend won't be here to protect you!" Floris screamed in my face. To be honest I was kind of scared and nobody seemed to be around to help me right now.

"I was so good to you! I treated you so well! I loved you! I bought you stuff! I spent a lot of my money on you! And you really have the audacity to not even give me something back?" Floris shouted now louder. I didn't know what to say. I never asked him to buy me stuff. We always fought about money and who is paying. After a while I got tired of the constant fights so I just let him pay.

"I never asked you to pay me! I just didn't want to fight with you! You never treated me good! Do you even realize how often I lied to my dad about all of my bruises?" Now I was screaming at him.

POV: Dream

"Hey Dream! Do you mind picking George from school? He hasn't answered any of my messages and he always texts me when school is over or something came up" Mr. Davidson asked me on the phone.

"Yeah of course. I will be on my way in a minute." I said.

He thanked me and we said our goodbyes, after that we hung up. I quickly grabbed my keys and headed to my car.

As I parked on the schools parking lot, I saw that most of the students had gone home already. I got out and headed inside. Immediately I heard someone shout. Without hesitation, I jogged to where the voices are coming from.

"I never asked you to pay me! I just didn't want to fight with you! You never treated me good! Do you even realize how often I lied to my dad about all of my bruises?" Tiny shouted into Floris face who had pinned him on the wall.


"Hey!" I shouted not letting Floris say anything.

"Didn't I say to leave George alone? Now I don't have any other choice then to make you regret ever getting close to MY George!" I shouted again.

"I just wanted to clear things up with him" Floris said and right after he said that I passed him a punch right in the face. He let go of George and fell to the ground screaming in pain.

"Hey Tiny. Here take my car keys and wait on me in the car. Okey?" I asked him, handing him the keys. He nodded and ran towards the exit.

"Hey! I wasn't done with him!" Floris shouted while standing up.

"The same goes for me about you!" I say while passing him so more punches.

This time while punching him I shouted at him how he should leave George finally alone. He just started to cry and nodded extremely. I got off of him and headed outside leaving him there.

When I got to my car, George was sitting at the passenger's seat, knees to his chest and crying. My heart broke. Why does such a cute and innocent person have to go through so much pain.

I walked to the driver's side but couldn't open the door. He probably locked himself inside to be safer. I knocked on the window startling him a little bit but he calmed down immediately after seeing it was only me. He then clicked on a button and I could finally open the door. I got in and looked at him with a sad smile.

"You want to come over and watch a movie with snacks and cuddle with patches?" I asked knowing I shouldn't bother him about what happened. He nodded and hugged me.

"Thank you" was all he whispered while letting go. I nodded and we drove off to my place.


Thank you for reading!

Hope you enjoyed!

PS: slight fluff is coming soon and extreme fluff is also on its way ;)

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