Chapter 8

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Lavender pov
I woke up to find the bed empty that's strange
I got dress in to my clothes and walked down stairs and I see the guy from yesterday "hey umm do you know here matteo is"I said to him"ya he just left like an hour ago"
"Oh ok thanks"I said a little disappointed tbhu really had a great night no fuck Ik not catching feelings it's just fuck he's so ugh I can't explain it

I opened the door and headed out fuck how am I supposed to get back home fuck my phones dead lucky I remember a little bit of the way when we where in his car

1-2 hours pass and I'm finally home
Fuck him I swear "men"
I went to shower and got to bed exhausted from walking and I fell in to a beep slumber even after I just woke up

Matteo pov
I left lavender in my bed I had a quick meeting that would take around 2 hours hope to be back before she wakes up
Wtf why do I care so much it was just a quick one time fuck i came home after the meeting and went to the room and saw a empty bed fuck
"Hey have you seeen lavender"I said to Luca "ya she left like 2 hours ago" he said "and her ride"I said curiously "I think he walked home"what"you didn't offer her a ride"I said getting angry did she really walk all the way to her house it's so far from here on a walking distance"no I thought she got a Uber or something"he said ugh I groaned

Most of me feels bad I can't stop thinking about her I can't catch feeling it makes me week I don't know what to do she so intoxicating and fuck don't get me started with last night one of the best night I have every had with someone SHES different I wanted her I'm going to make her mine

A week passed
Matteo apologies for leaving me at his house and i forgive him only causes he got me I've cream me and him have gotten pretty close we have been spending a lot of time getting to know each other right now we where at this cliff

"So how do you like the view so far"matteo said"it's amazing  it's so pretty here how did you find this place"I said he looked down fuck did I say something wrong"I was feeling pretty lonely one day and desired to explore I guess and doing it it's my calm down spot when I feel anxious"he said looking at my eyes fuck he was so close to my face I leaned in and kissed him this kiss was different from the rest it was filled with passion and calmness I felt safe around Him fuck I fell hard

Lavender pov
It has been a week and Matteo hasn't texted me weird kinda mad that he hasent responded to my message did I do something wrong

there was a mafia ball event to announce the new leader of the Spanish mafia I only wanted to go was to get information about my family and who killed them

It was hosted tonight at 9 al the mafia leaders and people would join fuck would matteo be there I really don't want to face him and he's gonna see me and think I'm in some mafia shit I'm not I work for my self and only trying to figure my family shit out

I got dressed in s red long dress that fit my curves perfectly and curled my hair and did my makeup
I was ready and i looked fucken hot

I put a silent pistol and a knife in my thigh strap and got ready to leave I park my car around 3 blocks from here and headed in I enters the room and it was a big ball room with a nice chandelier and a lot of guards around the place I decided to go to the bar in there

"What can I get for you"the bartender said"just a shot of 1942"I said to him "coming right up I took the shot and I started looking around seeing anything that can catch my eye I saw matteo walk in not with any one with a girl the girl was clinging on to him for dear life Fuck tbh I thought that kiss meant something but I guess to him not of course it didn't it was a just a stupid kiss

"Welcome every one"some guy with a mic specking seemed pretty old around his 60s we gather along yo Announce the new leader of the Spanish mafia the snakes

I froze thinking of the guy that had a snake Tattoo could it be

A guy walked out apparently the new mafia guy he had a black mask cover his whole head fuck who was he I saw him roll his sleeve up and i tensed up,fuck

He had the exact snake tattoo on his hand

How do y'all like this book,me kinda

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