Chapter 18-Darling Little One

Start from the beginning

"Because I couldn't pronounce your name."I looked at Thranduil, happy for the unexpected realization.

"You see?All will come back."the dragon said,pleased,"I knew you could not be dead.I would've felt it.I searched two thousand years!"

I was again  confused.

"Elves age differently."Thranduil explained."There is much to learn,little dove."

Thranduil let them have privacy to catch up,knowing there was nowhere safer she could be.He took my palm to his lips,kissing it tenderly,before leaving, whispering,"I'll be waiting,my love."

He went to find Tauriel.He must mend the grievous error he has made against her.

Gabriella learned much from her dear friend.How they were put together as soon as she was born,his egg in her crib,her warmth hatching him.How he stayed on her shoulder,learning as she did,always there,always protecting her.

How she was the perfect combination of her parents,and, unlike alot of the Twilight Children,was a product of love.

"Why did they call them Twilight

"The Dolderi clan were-advanced.
Approved volunteers were impregnated by another specifically selected volunteer,for their extrodinary-abilities.To create a super race of elf.All we're
impregnated during the crescent
moon,at Twilight."

"I see.In my world,it's called the Luna, half moon, or sickle of the moon, also waning and waxing moon.Its a sign of fertility, related to life and death, and a popular symbol in many religions. It pinpoints changing seasons, ebb and tide, related inundations as harbingers of fertility, and the feminine menstrual cycle."

"I see my darlings education has not wained.You always thirsted for knowledge."

"So,I was just a....experiment?"

"No,little one.Your parents loved you very much."

"Then why would they-"

"They tried for a very long time to
have a child,yet none came.They
grew desperate."

"But they loved me?"I said feeling the tears brim,"-you're sure of it?"

"Most assuredly."he said, gently
rubbing his large cheek to mine,
"They sacrificed their own lives,so that you may live."

That almost broke me.

Visayas scooped me up with his gigantic claw,holding me to his cheek,as I cried it out.Finally,after
over a decade and I half, resolution.They made the ultimate sacrifice,for their child.

He was my best friend.That part of me I was missing as a child.Left
behind,because he could not follow.

When I calmed,he told me more. How Thranduil was my intended long ago, betrothed by his father and her grandfather, the king. That he searched the Elfkings heart when the orcs had her,how pure his love for her is,as opposed to his cold exterior. That he is a deeply wounded soul,and she must demand to be his equal,always. To tread lightly on his heart,for it was hers now.
Something in me stirred at the
thought of that.He was mine.

But we fight..all the time.

He answered her thought.

Such is the way of young lovers.
What do they do but make love
and war?

She looked at him,he at her,her
cheeks flushing,and the laughed
at their secret exchange.

I sat with him awhile,feeling completely safe,leaning against his cheek.When I heard him sleeping,I gave him another kiss,and made my way back into the mountain.

I hoped that he was talking to Tauriel.None of this was of her
doing.She had been undyingly
loyal to him for centuries,and that deserved his loyalty and respect.

Like a lightening bolt,it struck me.

My parents escaped out a portal!
I arrived in one!

Of course there was a different
portal to enter and to exit.
They discovered a supermassive black hole, with a negative mass/energy counterpart and could create a wormhole which they utilized to protect me from being taken by the death seekers!

What was I thinking!

Of course this secretive,super intelligent clan had the ability to time travel!

Thranduil and I can go back to my time,I can say my goodbyes to grams,maybe talk dad into coming back with us! He'll be so happy I've found love,finally!I was so excited,so elated! I'd never been so happy.

I had to learn more about them, and find that portal!

When a man loves a woman,
Can't keep his mind on nothin' else.
He'd trade the world,
For the good thing he's found.
If she is bad, he can't see it.
She can do no wrong.
And turn his back on his best friend,
If he puts her down.
-Michael Bolton

It was not Tauriel the king ended up speaking to,and he was not enjoying the conversation.

"The darkness will try to overtake her,my lord.You saw it.She became cold, heartless.Good and evil battle for her soul."

The king thought about that a moment.

"If training is needed,I must accompany her.Seperation is not a option."

"And will you accompany her?To her own time?These two separate entities must be rejoined,or one will surely fade."

"This is her time.And yes.If necessary."

"It is necessary.It is written,Lord Thranduil."

Galadriel tries to reason with him,"You cannot stop this from

"Watch me." he countered,"We are one now.She is all that is good,I assure you.No more evil than you or I."


The Elf King, Gabriella:Rise Of A QueenWhere stories live. Discover now