ten| interracial babies

Start from the beginning

"Yes, I know your name. How's Billy doing? Heard about the mouse trap." I said with a small smirk, as if I didn't know who planted the device.

It was me. I did it but fucking Jaden took credit for it. I don't really care for it.

"I fucking hate bullies." He mumbled under his breath as I placed his hands properly over the Kalashnikov.

"Blow." I whispered in his ear, the boy shivering slightly as I tried not to laugh.

He did. And hit the target.

A huge grin appeared on his face as Miss De Luca smirked at me. This woman always has an ulterior agenda.

"You know, if I had you as a teacher for every class, I'd probably ace all of them." Marcus admitted shamelessly.

"I don't work for free, bello."

The bell rang loudly, causing Marcus to lightly flinch at the sound while I walked away from him.

"Vanessa, stay behind, sweetheart." Miss De Luca called out as most of the class left.

Kai shot me a raised eyebrow before I shook my head, letting him know that he didn't need to stay behind for me.

"You going to be okay?" Marcus asked while grabbing his bag. Scoffing at his comment, I gently shoved his shoulder as he chuckled before walking out of the classroom.

Once everyone had left, Miss De Luca motioned for me to take a seat in front of her.

"How are you doing, Vanessa?" The long haired woman questioned.

"Couldn't be better." I mumbled while crossing my arms over my chest. Miss De Luca raised an eyebrow at me as I sighed, yet again.

"Chico and I aren't on speaking terms anymore..."

"We wonder why."

"Shut up, Smiley." I growled at my best friend.

"We had sex and he called me the wrong name. I knew it was wrong, I shouldn't have agreed but— che sciocco che sono." I mumble under my breath.

"You had sex with Chico when he's dating Maria? Now I'm not saying that's wrong but maybe you shouldn't have done that." Miss De Luca said with a small chuckle.

Over the years, Miss De Luca has become sort of like my confident. She's the only person that understand the pressure I'm under. Miss De Luca — or fiore as I like to call her — comes from a mafia family. Except, her father was an underboss and not the capo, not like my dad.

"Tell me about it."

"Why'd you do it, Nessa? I know you both have a past but he's in a relationship."

"That's the thing, fiore! She doesn't love him, well not anymore at least. Ever since Arguello has arrived, she's had her claws on him." I grumbled as Miss De Luca took a seat next to me, her arm going around my shoulders.

"The way you talk about him makes me think you're in love... am I wrong, Nessa?"

"I— I— I don't fucking know. He's the closest thing I have to family but fuck does he piss me off and makes my stomach flip."

Miss De Luca pulled me close to her, my whole body relaxing in her embrace.

"What about Arguello? You guys seemed pretty cozy during class."

"Pfft, excuse me? Aren't you the one that practically threw us together." I argued.

"You'd make beautiful interracial babies."  She gushed like a schoolgirl.

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