The Liar in Disguise

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Valerie closed her eyes shut immediately. She couldn't just believe how Mr Poe was not the witty and inspiring man he used to be. She understood that it was Malvolia who did that but he was at fault too. He should have stayed with Valerie. Valerie knew that it was pointless to stand in the Truth Chamber anymore. So she decided to look back at Mr Poe who hadn't sealed the circle.

''Mr Poe'' she called to him ''Can you form a circle and go to different places like this?'' Mr Poe nodded and Valerie joined him in Malvolia's castle dungeons. ''Where do you want to go?'' asked Mr Poe

''To NASA'' responded Valerie. ''I need to tell them about this. They can give me a safety suit so that I could move around safely without getting killed. It's not safe like this. And it's okay if they know about Aueturnus, I think that it can damage that world too.''

''No way!'' Mr Poe exclaimed ''Only Malvolia can do that'' ''I don't care'' sighed Valerie ''Take me to them''

''Valerie'' said Mr Poe ''When you come back, make sure to bring the stone with you because you'll meet Malvolia soon. And if you could defeat her.''

''I'm hoping that Nolan would give me a hand'' ''Course'' replied Mr Poe ''He would and all the members of the Institute of Axel are getting eaten by harpies!'' he began to sob, suddenly. ''Why?'' asked Valerie ''Because the of the Undying Oath''

''An oath?'' asked Valerie ''Yes. I made them take it so that they don't betray the Institute. If they break it then they'll become immortal but they'll hang in the trees of the forest of the darkening souls. Where they'll be eaten by harpies. It's horrible! What's happening to them because of me. I honestly should have been with you, I regret it, I regret it!'' Then he started to pound on his chest.

''Mr Poe'' called Valerie ''I can save them. I believe that I can'' ''It's impossible'' he sobbed ''You can't do that!'' ''Fine'' snapped Valerie ''I'll at least save Nolan'' He continued to sob even harder. ''Can you take me to NASA, Please?''

''Wait'' he sobbed ''How do you know about NASA, you're not educated!'' ''I heard one of your servants talking about it. Thanks to them I know about it'' ''But'' Mr Poe, protested ''Would they believe you?'' Valerie snickered ''Please! They must have noticed this by now. The whole Earth could be destroyed by this! Humanity will vanish, not just that but also other beings! So if they want to save their planet then they have to listen to me''

''Valerie'' sobbed Mr Poe ''You have become intelligent.'' ''Oh really?'' Valerie giggled ''Have I become open-minded? Imaginative? That's how you defined true intelligence.'' Mr Poe shrugged. ''I don't know about your plans but I'll take you to NASA''

He again opened a circle, this time in front of a tall building. Which bore the name ''NASA'' on its front. ''I don't think this would work'' spoke Mr Poe. ''I don't so...''

Valerie knew that she needed a costume to survive, so she went inside the building, quickly. Valerie was quite confused after seeing people wearing masks. Is everyone sick? thought that she can do that but everyone around her was wearing masks. Some even looked at her suspiciously.

''Hey, you'' called a man who was probably the security guard. ''Where is your mask?''

''W....ell'' stammered Valerie. Then an idea popped up in her mind. ''I'll get it'' she said ''Wait'' called the guard. Valerie ran towards Mr Poe who had stopped sobbing now but looked utterly confused. ''What happen?" he questioned ''Can you Conjurrera me a mask, a good one?'' He nodded and stepped out of the circle. ''Mr Poe'' Valerie asked. ''How can you do all this, when you are a prisoner?'' ''Our guards went away because of the hole'' he responded ''Now we can do whatever we want'' ''And use your powers freely?''

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2022 ⏰

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