The Red Lake

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To explore more about it, Valerie decided to go for it. Valerie squeezed herself inside the pipe and gladly, it was wide so it was able to carry her well. She continued to climb inside the pipe for what felt like a few hours. She couldn't believe how far her destination is from Little Missenden. She had expected to reach her destination, within fifteen minutes but it wasn't! It took another one hour, according to Valerie's guesswork. After climbing the pipe for several hours. She finally saw an end in the pipe.

Valerie felt tired after climbing a pipe for many hours. ''Today is the most exhausting day in my life!'' she thought and while panting hard, she climbed down. But the sight stunned her!

It was a lake! She had ended up in a lake. She reach it if she moved a few paces. And when she looked back, there was a giant mountain. It wasn't green or brown like most of the mountains. Instead, it was grey. It looked as if getting burned and burned for years. There were ashes everywhere. When she touched the ground, beneath her. It was hot! She immediately took her hand away from the ground as she couldn't tolerate it. It was hotter than boiled water in a kettle.

Valerie wondered whether she was in Aueturnus because there might be odd places like this in there. But she did not know. So, Instead of thinking about something unknown, she decided to look at the lake. It was very peculiar. It convinced her that she was in Aueturnus. The lake was red. Hundred centred red. And there were trees on the border. Valerie saw that there were mostly stone birds in the branches of them. Like at the bottom of that polluted pond. She was unable to understand what all of these were but she knew why she came here in the first place, it was to find an object named Otillie's shield. Which would be useful for her to use against Malvolia. Valerie began to search for it, Feya the Unicorn had mentioned that it was gold in colour. So she searched for something like that. While moving her eyes, around the corners of the lake, Valerie saw millions of flamingos on the edge of the lake. This shocked her because flamingos are a species that belongs to the ordinary world. And what were ordinary creatures doing in Aueturnus?

Now it was confusing for Valerie. This made her feel unsafe in this place. That's when Valerie heard a scream nearby, like at the centre of the lake. She listened more closely to this and noticed that this voice was familiar. ''Save, save!'' It was screaming. ''This person is screaming his lungs out'' thought Valerie. Valerie looked at the lake and she saw a boy, who was very tall drowning in the lake. She knew who this is. She hadn't thought about him in all these hours. But he was in trouble and Valerie had to rescue him.

When Valerie was about to step into the red water, I sent her a warning that this water might not be safe because it was red. However, she didn't care for my warning. Then, I sent her another which said why so many birds are stones in here. Then she argued to it by saying that the flamingos who were in the water, comfortably hadn't been turned into stone.

Valerie was stubborn in this and I didn't want her stubbornness to take over. I was ready to send more ideas to her when she just stepped into the water. As she put her leg in it, she immediately put it out because the heat of the water was unbearable for Valerie. That's when she realized that the water was unsafe. And she didn't know how to save Erwin without stepping into the water herself.

That's when I sent her the idea to climb the tree which is located in a position, that if anyone who had climbed that tree would jump down then they will be in the water with Erwin. I instructed her to extend her arm to Erwin by climbing it and then she can save him. She immediately obeyed and ran towards that tree. On the border of the lake, there were mostly thin marshes. Valerie ran along with them until she reached that tree, she had to be quick so that she didn't get too late.

After a few miles, she finally reached the tree. She quickly began to climb it. But as she did it, the branch which she was climbing fell onto the water. And Valerie missed the water by inches. However, she couldn't save her lower body from the deadly looking red water. It got soaked in the water, so did her cloth. And she noticed that it began to like the four bodies which were present at the bottom of the polluted lake. They didn't become stone or they didn't turn into ash. They just go preserved. That's what happened. But she noticed that there weren't as alive as they used to be. Valerie immediately felt sad after seeing it, her body which was alive in the past is in a preserved state now. She dislike the way her legs were brown and they looked as if they are wrapped in something. She realized that the lake is dangerous for humans and she wasn't sure that Erwin would be alive after this.

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