The Unicorn and the Boy

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Valerie quickly stood up to her feet. And she looked down at her leg. There was a deep cut and her fall to the back of the kitchen did make her other wounds worse. She looked at the empty chair where her father had been seated. The arm had zoomed towards the back door, carrying Valerie's father. Valerie thought that it was the doing of Malvolia. It just came to Valerie's mind that Malvolia is a sweet name but it was the name of a terrible person. From that, she thought that names can't decide a person's personality. However, I had something to say against it. Names don't always have a meaning from the way it sounds, I knew that the name Malvolia had a terrible meaning even though it sounds sweet.

Now, I had to focus on Valerie's upcoming adventure and make her participate in her adventure. So, for that, I sent this idea to Valerie which she immediately thought to take action about. ''Ohh...yes, He told me to go to school before 9.00 AM'' And she took a look at the clock hung in the living room. ''I don't know how to read a clock'' thought Valerie. Valerie did not know about clocks as she was not educated. ''That doesn't matter, I have a short time so I'll begin to get ready''

Valerie felt extremely nervous when she went up to the room, where she didn't sleep in for many years. Valerie saw that it marked no difference from the last time she saw it. Valerie also saw a fully ironed uniform lying in her bed. She understood that it was her school uniform but before she could even wear it she extracted the first AID box from her wardrobe and started healing her wounds. After doing it, she immediately got dressed. Then she wondered about what she would take to her school. That's when she went to imposter Malvolia's bedroom and saw a handbag in there. She decided that she'll carry it to school. She immediately put the stationary which was laid on her table to it. And was set to go, before she exited the house, however, she thought to pay a visit to her backyard. Valerie expected to see something peculiar in there. But to her surprise, there wasn't anything of that sort.

It was just the ancient-looking, muddy backyard. At the very heart of it stood an old, ivy spread well. Valerie went to the edge of the well. And peeked to the depths. There was no water. Just a night sky. She remembered her father's words about it. ''I would end up in that world, Aeturnus if I jumped. ''

Valerie even felt like jumping and exploring this world, but obeying her father's words she decided to travel to her village school.

In the village Valerie lived in, little Missenden had many village schools. Valerie knew that the school her father advised her to go to was the nearest one to their house. It was around ten miles far from their house and Valerie had a smooth, straight path to cross to reach her school.

After travelling this much, with great difficulty. (Because of her wounds) Valerie felt extremely tired. So, she halted and extracted a water bottle from imposter Malvolia's handbag, and consumed some water from it. ''This is the most tiresome day in my life.'' she thought and she suddenly grew hungry for a comfortable looking, spacious bedroom. With a king-sized bed and Attractive architecture. She also wished there were a bunch of servants working for her.

Valerie sighed deeply, knowing that she would never achieve that much luxury. And decided to achieve her dream of being great and that too in a dream. Valerie then continued to walk until she reached a pair of iron gates that were closed shut. She saw a lanky man with an overgrown beard sitting in a chair near the pair of gates. He was wearing a uniform and there was a label on his shirt which read in gold letters ''SECURITY'' And he was eating a hand burger. Which made Valerie feel so annoyed. What made her even more irritated with him was that he pretended as if Valerie was invisible and Valerie had always hated people who act as if Valerie is invisible.

''Hmm'' coughed Valerie hard. The man grunted and looked at Valerie with his wide eyes ''Hey'' he said, his own Valerie's handbag. ''From where did you get that Handbag?'' Valerie didn't want to answer that question. He had to open the gates so that she could enter. ''Excuse me, I'm a new student here and I want to enter the school'' said Valerie sulkily ''Really?'' grinned the man ''Then why aren't you wearing a school bag?''

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