Battle With The Reptile

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Valerie found herself in a medium-sized kitchen surrounded by light yellow walls. There was a medium length kitchen table standing on her right side. And there was cutlery hung on the walls. Looking at her surroundings Valerie understood that this kitchen was not Mr Poe's kitchen. ''No!!'' she spoke aloud ''This can't be!!'' ''Maybe, I should try another pipe but I can't keep on checking pipes. The whole day would be finished by then!!!'' ''Hey, wait'' she thought in her head ''What is this place?'' so, to find out which place she is in at the moment, she left the kitchen.

The kitchen was wide open, she went inside through it.

Once she exited the kitchen she ended up in a small living room with a set of old fashioned sofas and photographs lined to the walls. Valerie saw a bunch of rational looking people. There was also an offed TV at the front of the living room. Valerie saw a shadow of a long body. Then she moved her gaze to one of the photographs lined on the walls. She saw a pair of black pupils staring at her. This made Valerie feel that there was a living being present in this house at the very moment. But she was not sure about the species of the animal. When she was about to turn back in her opposite direction, Valerie felt herself stepping on dry and crunchy material.

When she looked back at the material she saw the very material that she found in the lake and the pipe. This time, she could see it well. It was a dull brown. And it had dull brown spots on it. Yet, this one was very long, around fifty feet. That is extended up to the garden of the house. From this, I understood that this was not something to neglect. Then, I remembered that Valerie had seen a similar substance but much smaller in Mr Poe's backyard in her memory, she knew what it was. ''T...this is snakeskin!! So the poison was from a snake!!!. and those eyes, they were of a snake!!!'' Valerie was dumbfounded. ''That to a large snake!!! it should be nearby. But, ohh...wait why should I worry? This is just a dream right? or not? I was dunno. Fine then, I'll fight that snake anyway. Then, I could go to Mr Poe's place but this is beyond existence. These type of creatures only exists in fictional stories!''

Valerie sighed and sat down upon one of the sofas, she leaned on it. I could feel that Valerie felt relaxed after sitting down on the sofa as her leg was hurt not just her leg but also on so her arms and her face. As she was there sitting on the sofa she heard the sound of a body moving nearby, she instantly knew who this was. And she decided to arm herself against it so while still firmly keeping her iron nail and the boy's blood-stained cloth she rushed to the kitchen and grabbed some cutlery such as knives and kept them in her left hand. Valerie was prepared for the attack so she was alarmed and she paid attention to all of her sides but they were no sound, yet she patiently waited until her iron nail mistakenly hit the walls brutally and drops of red blood began to fall from the walls.

''What!! This is impossible!!! How?'' While she was shockingly thinking about this she heard a loud grunt which erupted from the ceiling of the house. She looked up at the ceiling and the sight shocked her. She couldn't control herself but let out a loud yell as she saw not an ordinary ceiling

but a gigantic snake's head. It was facing the direction of the living room and was not looking at Valerie but her sound grabbed its attention. It hissed venomously and Valerie her mind raced hard. Attempted to put the pieces of the puzzle in her head. ''So, this snake's eyes I saw there and it's the house and I just wounded it!!'' Valerie immediately grabbed the knives, the piece of cloth and her iron nail. She shot one of her knives towards the head of the snake. It zoomed upwards towards it but it ducked it. Valerie understood that throwing knives wouldn't work so she grabbed her iron like a javelin and even harder than a vaccine and more blood dripped on the sides, this made the snake aggressive and it lifted its tail. What Valerie realized was the backside of the house, as it lifted its tail, what Valerie saw was a forest-like environment around fifteen miles away from the snake where a jeep was off-roading and the soil of that environment looked all dry.

Her sixth senseحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن