Oswald's Truth

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Valerie felt herself being knocked to the ground. She immediately opened her eyes, when she did, she was thankful to see light. When she looked around, she found herself in a chamber with high arched walls which were black and were made out of stone. The ground was made of soil. And there was huge damp at the heart of the chamber. There was also a light Valerie of glass soaring around the chamber. When Valerie looked more closely at it, she thought that it doesn't look like a light but like water. However, it was unclear. ''Another wired thing in my dream'' Valerie thought.

I then signalled Valerie to look around to see who has came with her to this chamber. When she looked in her right direction, her cheeks flushed red. And she had to look away. The person lying there groaned and grunted ''Where am I?'' Valerie was glad to know that Mr Poe wasn't dead and that he was himself now.

''Oh no!'' he gasped. Valerie felt him walking towards her, then he walked back towards where he lay. Valerie didn't know what he was up to. ''Finally'' he sighed ''Thank God that Valerie brought this with her!'' When Valerie turned to look, Mr Poe was not wearing any clothes. He had wrapped a red cloth around himself, which covered his entire body, except his chest. He was naked when Valerie first saw him. Now, it was fine. Valerie was also shocked to find her bag pack behind her head. Then when she looked in the left direction, she saw Erwin lying beside her! But he was still unconscious! Also, his chest was slitted and his lower body wasn't burned by the Lake Natron! All of these meant that he wasn't Erwin. He just looked like him. And he was the person who was going to send it to a person named Cronus.

''Oh... Valerie'' said Mr Poe ''What happened to you?. You are horrible! What happened? Who's that boy?''

''I don't know well'' Valerie responded ''But I think that the Sphinx whom we met did this to me. I heard that she killed you but you are alive and you are yourself!'' ''What!'' boomed Mr Poe ''I was not myself and I was killed by a Sphinx, what is all this rubbish?''

''Why don't you remember?'' asked Valerie, shocked ''Uhmm'' said Mr Poe ''I don't know, you are saying. Also, I don't know how I became naked! I was wearing clothes the last time I remember. I had just given Sri Lanka great amounts of LP gas, milk powder, sugar and rice, no..w they are safe from Malvolia and her dreadful creatures. They travel safely by pipes now''

''So Malvolia is trying to harm ordinary people?'' ''Of course'' said Mr Poe ''Because she knows that they are related, that they are the same race who hid her ancestors in Aueturnus. And she's attempting to harm them. I became the Prime Minister to protect them. And it's not just one country. Every single country. She's targeting them. They are creatures on roads, in the sky, on railway tracks, in the sea. Everywhere! She knows that people travel using them a lot. And that's a great way to kill them''

''But how can she do that?'' asked Valerie ''They are not at fault?''

''I know'' sighed Mr Poe ''But that's how beings like her think. Even though it's not their fault. Reminds me of people going after a child's parents or guardians although the child did the fault. They blame the way they raised them. It's not right because sometimes it can be possible, sometimes it can't. Everyone doesn't have the same situation. We all have different situations, unique situations. I hate this because this happened to me. My poor father was accused of all the things I did, even small ones. Even though the fault was not entirely mine. It's irritating, Valerie. Very. I believe that my father was not behind the things I did. He's another person, completely another person. And they go after him? They did indeed go after me. Complained to me but questioned my parent's parenting style at the same time. They acted as if I am ignorant. As if I understand nothing. They said that I don't understand, even though. I did understand them. I didn't quite agree with them. It's horrible! But it didn't stop me! This can happen to many. Anyway, it's wrong, to blame a person on another person. It's very wrong. That's the way people think! It's just horrible. So horrible. Why? Why do people blame others who are related to the convict? A child or even an adult. Why? There are many examples. Anyway, I think that I got too carried away. I'm sorry''

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