"So your really gay now huh?"

Start from the beginning

"I hate alcohol, I love my family and I need a hug," I said

"We all know the lie there," he laughed while pulling me into a hug

"I love you," he said and I smiled.

"I love you more," he said and we pulled away.

He took my hand as we started walking down the hall. "So, about your ball," he said and I hummed.

"You invited the De Luca family," he said

"Yeah," I said

"Yeah?" he asked and I smiled

"Yes Sawyer I invited them"

"Why?" he asked.

"I don't know," I said and he stopped walking.

"Are you ignoring the fact that they were the ones to land their first attack on us?" he asked

"No I'm not ignoring the fact but it's just an invite Sawyer and it would cause more chaos if I didn't invite them," I said

"Well if any one of them tries something I'll kill them without hesitation," he said

"Good," I said before walking into the kitchen.

I poured two glasses of whiskey and gave one to him

"I'm taking the rest of the day off if that's okay with you," he said

"Yeah it's okay," I said and he smiled.


"This dress would look beautiful on you," the designer said to mom

"This dress is hideous. I want to look good for my daughter's ball not to dress up as a huge sunflower" mom said with a fake smile.

The designer was hitting on dad a few minutes ago

I smiled before shaking my head. The designer walked away and I looked at mom.

"I hate that bitch" she said and I took a sip from my glass.

"I wonder why," I said while looking at dad.

Dad gave me a smirk before wrapping his arms around her. I look away when I received a message from Saige.

I'm in a nasty cell at the police station downtown. Come and get me right now before I die in here.

What do you mean you are in a cell.

Royalty these assholes are about to take my phone. Don't tell mom or dad just come and get me.

I'm on my way

"Mom, dad I have to go deal with some stuff. I'll see you guys later" I said before standing.

I placed a kiss on both their foreheads before leaving.

When I arrived at the station I walked in while placing my sunglasses on. I walked straight through the station as I ignored some of the officers.

"Miss you can't be back here"

"Where the fuck is my sister and where is the chief?" I asked Claire

"I'm sorry Regina and we have a new chief now," she said

"I don't care get my sister and get your boss out here right now," I said and she nod before walking away.

Soon I saw her coming back with a tall man and Lorenzo. I took my glasses off as I folded my arm.

Tied Between Two Worlds || book 3Where stories live. Discover now