Fight 21

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(Shikai POV)

After that exhausting fight with The Six, I felt the need to rest however with the conquistador being an unknown level threat I skipped resting and went straight to training Jun and Seungmin. Jun has very high potential having king uma by his side and achieving direct contract, he was able to master close, mid and long range battles, however his attack lacks power as he often holds back to save more stamina so the goal for Jun is to increase his stamina and attack potency.

Seungmin has not even unlocked his true potential, since he is not a descendant of Jwala, there's is no way he can achieve direct contract but that does not mean he should be weaker than Jun. His attacks are strong and intense however they take too long to hit and his attacks are slow don't get me started with close range this guy sucks. So Seungmins training regimen will be focused on increasing his agility, hand-to-hand skills and his creativity on using his magma.

Jun: "Shikai your plan sounds great and all but who is going to train us everyone looks busy as it is."

Shikai: "don't worry me and my borrowed powers will."

Seungmin: "oh no I'm afraid."

Shikai: "don't be here come-on let's begin."

Jun: "sure let's go."

Shikai: "Domain Expansion: Shounen's Colosseum"

Jun: "so this is Shikai's pocket dimension the place that decided the outcome of the fight between Shikai and The six."

Shikai: "okay guys gather around I've picked specific people to train with you guys. Seungmin you will be with Natsu and Tsuna."

Seungmin: "these guys? Bring it on I'll give them burn marks all over."

Natsu: "don't be too cocky kid."

Tsuna: "just so you know I won't hold back."

Shikai: "Jun you will be against Naruto and Sasuke."

Jun: "oh no not him I've seen him way too many times."

Naruto: "let's teach him, Sasuke."

Sasuke: "yea It's been a while just try not to slow me down."

Kaishi: "you really think letting them fight 2 on 1 will train them?"

Shikai: "it should besides I picked their opponents based on their weaknesses."

Kaishi: "I see putting Natsu and Tsuna against Seungmin forces him to rely and improve on his close range hand-to-hand skills as his magma is useless against them."

Shikai: "yep and with Jun, the team play between Naruto and Sasuke will force Jun to keep fighting without stopping training his stamina and with their defense Jun will have to constantly use full power."

(Timeskip end of day)

Jun: "that was brutal I didn't even have time to breath let alone rest. They were always on me my attack don't even touch them."

Seungmin: "did you think u had it bad? I had it worse my attacks don't even affect them it just made them stronger and I can't even land a single hit they're that much faster."

Daewhi: "good work guys, training hard is a good thing but just a heads up I'm about to be brutally honest, none of us expect you guys to be strong enough to defeat a conquistador on your own, you just have to be strong enough to be able to keep them busy till Mori, The six or Shikai comes to assist."

Seungmin: "that's ridiculous you're basically treating us like fodder, and I won't accept that."

Jun: "it may be a logical reason but still I think with enough training even defeating them should be possible they aren't gods."

Ichigo: "no the scar guy is right. Aizen is no pushover, with the likes of you guys it's impossible to beat him, you might end up killing each other."

Vegeta: "don't get so full of yourself just yet Frieza destroys planets effortlessly just hold him still and don't get in my way that should be worthy for someone like you."

Tanjiro: "with what you're saying, you don't have to worry about muzan he isn't that strong but without the help of the sun you can't kill him."

Luffy: "that Blackbeard is also quite formidable, with the power of dark and light it'll be hard to defeat him."

Naruto: "and Madara you guys have met him but don't expect him to be the same he haven't even shown us his full power or worse he brings her out."

Jun: "look Seungmin I also do not like being treated like this but they're right we're just not strong enough."

Dean: "daewhi we have news that a Mysterious figure is approaching and he's approaching fast."

Seungmin: "I'll take him on and show just how strong I am I won't be fodder."

Seungmin conjured up a magma wave riding it towards the entrance, Jun tried chasing him but I held him back. I couldn't risk losing 2 of my friends at once. I chased after Seungmin while daewhi and the six stayed back and fortify our defenses.

Seungmin: "You again! I won't let what happened in the past repeat itself I'll kill you right here."

Madara: "if it isn't the weakling from last time I got bored of waiting so I'll enjoy myself with you."

While running towards Seungmin I hear a loud explosion out front and hurried up. When I got to the entrance I saw Seungmin panthing and Infront of him stood Madara. He turned over to me and grinned.

Madara: "you came I see time for a rematch."

Seungmin: "wait up you're against me you know and I'm not dead yet and I can still keep on going."

Madara: "wake up to reality boy, you're struggling even when I'm not using a portion of my power, you're lucky you're underground else I would've dropped a couple of meteors on you."

Seungmin: "thanks for talking you gave me enough time to kill you. ERUPT."

Lava erupts from beneath Madara and it just keeps erupting engulfing him entirely and it didn't end layers upon layers of magma just stacks. The magma then glowed as if it was the center of a nuke. After the attack Seungmin fall as he was tired from pushing himself too much.

Seungmin: "Did I do it? I killed a Conquistador HAHAHAHAHAHA"

Madara: "This is bad, you've gotten this much stronger in such a short amount of time, I knew I shldve killed you when I had the chance."

Seungmin: "no way it did nothing? Just like last time."

Madara: "good effort boy but this is where you die."

   Seungmin closed his eyes prepared to die but a wall of shield came between him and madara.

Seungmin: "Exucutive Jose, James what are you doing here?"

Jose: "we came as back up now retreat I don't know how long our Phalanx can last."

Sungmin: "but it's 3 of us against 1 of him we can take him"

James: "are you dumb? He's too strong we need to go now."

Seungmin: "but-"

Jose: "I said RETREAT!"

   James and seungmin retreated as Jose holds madara back.

Madara: "a shield? Interesting."


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