[2] Watching baby shark 😨

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{Stan Marsh pov}

     I yelped when Kyle and the others went ahead of me, "Guys! wait up!!"

"Oh sorry dude," said Kyle.

I intertwined my arm with his so I wouldn't stay behind, and I had already forgotten about licking his face. Oh shit I just remembered.

"Hey Stan and Kahl, you guys gonna do a little german boy dance for us with your arms all intertwined!" Cartman yelled obnoxiously, "HAHA Seriously!"

Kyle quickly took his arm out from mine as his eyebrows furrowed and his cheeks went bright red.

"Enough with the German jokes! This is the 7th one this week!" Kyle yelled with a screechy tone.

"That's not even that many!" Cartman yelled back.

"... ITS FUCKING MONDAY DUde!" Kyle screeched.

Cartman looked like he was about to laugh at Kyles voice crack.

I looked at him like 'don't you dare' and he looked like 'who are you to tell me I can't laugh, I have rights.'

I grabbed Kyles shoulder and his shoulder went down a little bit. We continued to walk over to Kyles house. Kenny was just watching intently the entire time. He loves to see people get mad at each other for stupid reasons.

On the rest of the walk, we just pointed at things. I was kinda bored of pointing at things, because I mean dude.. who fuckin cares? I would never say this to the rest of the group of course.

"Stannn, STAN! STANLEY MARSH!" Kenny wove his hand in front of my face aggressively.

"Oh sorry man," I whispered with a shake of the head.

I was halfway up the staircase of Kyles house, "Sh-"

I slipped backward, a pair of hands held onto my waist and guided me back up.

"Ah! I almost broke my ass there!" I yelped.

"With the way Kyle was holding your waist he's gonna do that for ya! BAHAHA!!" Kenny laughed.

A feeling sat in the pit of my stomach, like.. bro could you not..? My I felt my cheeks grow warm. Kenny smirked at my reaction and attempted to do a twirl but landed flat on his ass.

I grabbed his wrist and yanked him off the ground.

"Now was that gay?" I asked Kenny knowingly.

"No," he replied absentmindedly, obviously trying to not focus on the pain in his anus, haha that words funny, "because Im not gay like you and Kyle are."

I looked at him with the most confused look on my face, "Kenny dude.. you are literally pan..?"

"What?! Who told you that!" He replied frantically, lifting his hands in the air.

Okay, I was even more confused now, "Y-you did man?!?"

A blush was plastered on his face from embarrassment, I guess he forgot he came out to us..? I mean it was like.. 4 am and we stole some coffee from Tweak bros. I swear that stuff has to be spiked with something. I won't really drink that stuff anymore, it makes me feel like when we stole that ADD medication. Like it makes me able to focus on stuff, but it triples my anxiety as a side effect. It's really acidic too. I like tea much better.

"Uhm, maybe we should get off the stairs now..?" Kyle requested.

I realized Kyle was still at the bottom, Cartmans fat ass made it so he couldn't even get on the first step. I shuffled inside quickly taking off my shoes, Kenny quickly getting the hint and doing the same.

"What the fuck kenny, are you not wearing socks?" I spoke with pure horror.

Who wears tennis shoes with no socks?

"I guess that makes you double gay huh Kinny," said Cartman.

"How the hell does that make me gay?" Kenny said, bewildered.

"Hey man, you weren't wearing socks, and you can't say no homo either because you are somewhat homosexual," Said Kyle in a playful tone.

Kenny flipped us all off. Who does he think he is? Craig? We walked into the living room. Not really knowing what to do. We decided to go to the kitchen, Kenny has the job of finding something to watch. Terrance and Phillip won't be on for a few hours.

I grabbed some cereal to eat without milk, and Kyle grabbed some popcorn. We normally share. We were about to go back into the living room when I heard the Cocomelon version of baby shark playing.

Cartman joined behind us with a box of.. is that a fucking packet of kraft singles.?? I ignored his antics and stormed into the living room with Kyle. We do not listen to Cocomelon in this house. Even Ike isn't that insane!

We demanded Kenny for an explanation. He said "What! you want me to play Phil Collins instead?"

Kyle made a shocked face and said "You wouldn't dare.."

"Try me. Bitch."


Alright guys, I fucking love Phil Collins (I basically have Adhd) and I don't condone genuine hatred for him. Listen to Genesis bitches. 😩 anyway- uhhh do u guys like this so far..? Do I make you guys do the haha-funny sound?

{833 words}

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