"Everything comes with a price. In order to take power from the Ancestors, you have to steal it. Which means, to make Lucien killable, I'll have to draw through Davina, while she's in the Ancestral Well. And to do that, I will have to break the circle that protects her." Freya said. "We can't do that. Freya, that will destroy her." Elijah said. "I know what's at stake, Elijah. I know. What the hell do we do?" Freya asked.


Freya and Elijah are in Elijah's study, talking about what their next move is. "They're not answering. And the Strix tell me that Lucien is headed to the bayou. He knows where Rebekah is. We're out of time." Elijah said. "We need to put an end to this. The only way to get the power I need to kill Lucien is to use Davina." Freya said. Downstairs in the living room, Davina is still in the protective circle provided to her for safety while Marcel and Mia stand with her to talk to her. "This wasn't your fault, or Kol's. The Ancestors hate me because of choices that I made. I'm not a kid. I'm not your responsibility." Davina said. "Honey, you will always be my responsibility. You and Mia." Marcel said.

"What were you supposed to do? Lock me and Mia in an attic and keep the world at bay forever? You didn't let me down. I just grew up. Thank you for saving me and Mia that first time. And for everything else after. I love you, Marcel." Davina said. "I love you." Marcel said. Elijah rushes into the room and pushes Marcel and Mia into the wall. "Forgive me, Marcel, Mia." Elijah said. Elijah holds back Marcel and Mia as Freya takes hold of Davina, performing the spell to steal the magic from the Ancestors. "An et ne van ça le eu. Che ke ça le aun. An et ne van ça le eu. Che ke ça le aun." Freya chanted.

"No, please. You'll break the circle! Please, please stop this! Don't do this to me! Don't make me go back, please!" Davina pleaded. "Marcel! Mia!" Davina screamed. Elijah snaps Marcel's and Mia's necks. Daniel rushed in and saw why was happening. He went to go stop Freya but Elijah snapped his neck as well. "No, please, let go! Marcel! No! Let go! Let go! Please let go!" Davina pleaded. Davina screams as she is forced back into the Ancestral Plane where she comes face to face with Kara, screaming in fear. In the compound, Freya turns to her brother. "It had to be done." Freya said.

Daniel's Head

Daniel was hitting the ground as he failed to save Davina. "It's not your fault." Aaron's voice said. Daniel looked over at him, tears falling down his face. "I failed to save her. Of course it's my fault." Daniel said. Aaron walked over and knelt next to him. "I need to do right by her." Daniel said. "How?" Aaron asked confused. Daniel looked at Aaron. "By killing Lucien." Daniel said. "You can't. Freya holds the power of the ancestors." Aaron said. Daniel stated thinking about what to do. "I siphon it from her." Daniel said. Aaron nodded. "It can work." Aaron said. "But my feelings will get in the way. I can't hurt her. She's my friend." Daniel said. He then looked at Aaron. "But you can." Daniel said.

Aaron furrowed his brows. "You take control of my body, siphon the ancestors power from her and then put me back in control." Daniel said. "But how do I do that? I don't know how to take control of your body." Aaron said. Daniel thought back to his nightmare. "You can. You've already done it." Daniel said. Aaron looked confused. "The first time I came here. You turned into this black cloud and went inside me. You can do it again." Daniel said. Aaron sighed and nodded. "Screw it. Why not?" Aaron said. They both stood up.

Aaron let out a shaky breath. "I trust you." Daniel said. Aaron closed his eyes and concentrated. He then transformed into a black cloud. The cloud made its way to Daniel, who was ready this time. The cloud entered Daniel and that's when he woke up.

Real World

Daniel's eyes opened. Aaron was in control of his body. Aaron looked around and saw that Freya and Elijah were still there. Aaron stood up. Elijah heard this and looked at him. "Daniel?" Elijah asked. Aaron looked at Elijah. "He isn't in at the moment." Aaron said. He used his magic to snap Elijah's neck. Aaron then looked at Freya. He sped over and grabbed her arms. "What are you doing?" Freya asked. Aaron smirked. "What Daniel told me to." Aaron said. He began to siphon the ancestors power from Freya. "Stop! Stop it!" Freya shouted. The red glow around Aaron's hands turned from red to purple.

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