Out of the Easy

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St. Louis Cathedral

Elijah, Marcel, Daniel, Mia, Emma and Hayley have come to the attic of St. Louis Cathedral to meet with Freya, who has lit dozens of white candles in preparation for more spellwork as the four discuss what they have learned in the last day or so. "So, where is Klaus?" Daniel asked confused. Freya, who is leaning against the table and looking exhausted, sighs. "When I told him about Rebekah, he said he'd pursue another lead." Freya said. Elijah takes Freya's athame and uses it to slice open his palm so he can bleed into a bronze bowl on the table, which lays on top of a large, pristine paper map that covers the entire table top.

"Forget Niklaus." Elijah said. Elijah whips out his handkerchief, which he uses to clean up his hands after he finishes bleeding into the bowl. He then hands the bowl to Freya. "You will find her." Elijah said. Marcel looks at Freya nervously. "Now, you sure you got enough ju-ju for a world-wide locator spell?" Marcel asked. "She's my family. I won't lose her." Freya said determined. "I'll need your help Daniel." Freya added on. He nodded and Freya takes a deep breath before putting her hands around the rim of the bowl of blood and beginning the spell with Daniel.

"Le six ce strul no cruv. Le six ce strul no cruv." The two chanted. Freya and Daniel continue the spell as Freya pours the bowl full of blood onto the map where Africa is situated. "Le six ce strul no cruv." The two continued to chant. Freya hands the bowl to Elijah, who joins her, Daniel, Hayley, Mia, Emma and Marcel in watching the map hopefully. Freya and Daniel focus all of their energy on concentrating on Rebekah, but the blood just spreads out until it is covering the entire map. "Damnit!" Daniel said frustrated.

Elijah looks at the others in alarm, while Freya, Hayley, Mia, Emma and Marcel look disappointed. "Well, so much for witch-GPS." Mia said. "I assumed they'd cloaked her. I didn't expect a spell this strong." Freya said. "No doubt conjured by the very witch who lured Rebekah into this trap." Elijah said anxiously. Freya sighs, visibly frustrated and stressed by this turn of events, before sitting down at her table to brainstorm. "You should all go. I have my work cut out for me." Freya said. Marcel turns his attention to Elijah.

"The Strix trust me. If they know where Rebekah is, I can find her." Marcel said. Elijah starts to walk toward the staircase to leave, looking frantic. "There's no time. You need to stop Davina from activating Lucien and Tristan's weapon." Elijah said. "We need to find Rebekah!" Marcel said exasperatedly. "Marcel, I will not rest until my sister is found." Elijah said impatiently. Marcel pauses for a moment before sighing and conceding to him with a reluctant nod. "All right. I'll handle Davina." Marcel said. Mia walks up to them. "I'll go with you." Mia said to Marcel. Marcel and Mia leave the attic just as Hayley turns to Elijah.

"Well, in the meantime, please tell me that we're gonna kill someone?" Hayley said. "Oh, we're going to kill many someones. But first-- if we are to start a war, let us determine where allegiances lie." Elijah said. Elijah turns without another word and leaves the cathedral. "I should probably go with him." Daniel said. "Good luck." Hayley said. "Thanks." Daniel before leaving the attic, Emma following.

Mikaelson Compound

Elijah, Daniel and Emma return to the compound, where Elijah begins to loudly call out for Klaus as soon as he enters the courtyard. "Niklaus! Niklaus!" Elijah called out. Just then, Klaus appears on the balcony behind him, looking unamused. "You shout loud enough to wake the dead." Klaus said. "Can't pick up your phone? Your sister is missing." Elijah said. Before Klaus can reply, Aurora comes out onto the balcony in Klaus' button-down shirt and joins their conversation. Klaus immediately sighs in embarrassment as Aurora addresses Elijah cheerfully. Daniel and Emma were both confused as they didn't know who this was.

"Well... She's not exactly missing. And, as long as everyone behaves themselves, you can trust me to tell you where she is." Aurora said. Klaus smiles a tiny smile at Elijah in hopes that he will understand that he has a plan, but Elijah just stares at him, clearly appalled by Aurora's presence. Aurora's fake-nice tone of voice disappears and is replaced by a more sarcastic one. "Hello, Elijah." Aurora said. Elijah glares at her furiously. "Give me my sister. Or perhaps I can pay a little visit to your brother, Tristan." Elijah said. "Elijah, please. Aurora and I have come to an agreement." Klaus said exasperatedly.

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