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10.30 A.M,

Sakanoshita Market...

Second person POV

(Y/N) tried her best, forcing a grin to mask her franticness and distress.

"Please just get your son to decide on an ice cream flavor and leave, I have a date in 45 minutes, you know?! C'mon now!" The girl tapped on her countertop, letting her frustration out on the inanimate surface. She couldn't rush her customers, or she'd risk losing her job. Her expression relieved a bit when she saw the kid point towards the strawberry flavor option.

Immediately grabbing a cone, she scooped a large portion of ice cream into the cone. She handed the ice cream to her customer, who smiled as a token of gratitude and handed his payment. Thankfully, it was the exact amount and there was no change to be returned. (Y/N) quickly waved goodbye, before fixing her attire and tidying any unkempt strands of hair. She greeted the colleague that would take her shift, who ruffled her hair and told her to enjoy the day.

"Please don't tell me he's already there." (Y/N) prayed to herself in the middle of running towards the city central. She didn't want to keep him waiting again, as an act of courtesy and appreciation towards the other.


Izana walked towards the city central, looking around in hopes of spotting a certain girl. In all honesty, he'd be quite disappointed if she were to be late again. That sole reason caused him to beam in the slightest when he saw his date, waving and him and signaling him to move quicker.

"You arrived earlier than me today." Izana remarked. "Yep, I cleared out my duties earlier today and rushed here- It's the least I could do, after what happened last time..." (Y/N) sunk her head lower upon remembering that incident. She knew that he wouldn't tease or mock her about that, but it still felt shameful to reminisce about.

Seeing the girl's upset expression, he pat her head lightly. "It's fine, I won't bring that up. You're on time now, see? So cheer up." (Y/N) sighed in agreement, nodding. She felt grateful to have such an understanding date.

'It seems that, girls really like to be comforted and reassured.' Izana mused.

Checking her purse, the girl smiled before taking out what seems to be a discount slip. "I found this in my stash of assignments. The discount expires tomorrow, so I was wondering if we should visit this music shop?" She handed the discount slip to him.

Izana observed the slip. It was slightly crinkly, but mostly intact. "CiRCLE? I've heard of this place before." He vaguely remembered that you could rent instruments for a price, which varied from the time used. Taking one more look at the location, he lightly held (Y/N)'s wrist, bringing her to the music shop.

"That was way easier than I thought! What's got him so excited?" (Y/N) questioned to herself along the way.


"Good afternoon, sir, ma'am! I'm Marina, and what can I get for you today?" A woman around her 30s greeted Izana and (Y/N). Izana gave a cold nod, contrasting with (Y/N)'s monotone yet polite tone. "Good afternoon. I was wondering if we could rent a small studio? We'll settle the instruments later." she requested. Marina scrolled through her computer, finding a two-person studio room. She beamed at her discovery.

"Would you look at that! We have a two-person studio room vacant! Why don't you two lovebirds book it and enjoy your time there?" She flashed a cheeky smile at the two, as if she was a cupid who just matchmade her first couple.

(Y/N)'s cheeks dusted pink at the word 'Lovebirds'. "Lovebirds? Oh, we're not- I mean thanks, we'll make use of the room." Well, it's true that they were on a date, but they weren't quite a couple yet. She believed that relationships shouldn't be rushed like that. Not to mention, this was only their second week knowing each other, and they only met on weekends!

'Is it just her, or do girls take relationships slowly? No matter, I get to observe more if so.' Izana uttered to himself, subtly.

Doing her best to shake off Marina's comment, (Y/N) looked to Izana. "I'm not an expert with instruments, do you know how to play an instrument, by any chance...?" she looked down, fiddling with her fingers, just realising a major detail that she missed on her side.

'Crap, I just brought him to a music studio without prior knowledge of him playing any instrument! I'm so fucked by now, aren't I?' (Y/N) felt her soul slowly leaving her as the thought popped in her head.

"I'd like to rent a guitar aswell. Send it to the room we booked, if you may." Izana's voice snapped the girl out of her mind zone. By the time her attention was back to the real world, she found her date looking at her in content.

Oh, yeah. He rented a guitar.

(Y/N) let out a relieved sigh, putting her palms on her face and muttering, "You know how to play the guitar... I'm glad..." Her behavior led to Izana's confusion, yet he paid no mind to it, thinking of it as a person's emotional rollercoaster.

He's dealt with a much more chaotic emotional rollercoaster,
Shion, before.

"I play the guitar during my free time, it's not professional but I hope you'll enjoy." Izana said, whilst holding (Y/N)'s shoulder gently as he guided her towards the dimly lit studio room.


The initially dark and gloomy room took a more modern looking turn as (Y/N) flicked the light switches. She was amazed by the cleanliness and completeness of this room. The air felt fresh aswell, in contrast to the store she worked at.

"It's better than I thought." Izana perused, looking around the studio room. Soon after, an electric guitar was delivered to the room, which Izana picked up and plugged into the speaker.

(Y/N) sat on a small sofa in anticipation. 'What song would he play? How would the guitar sound like?' numerous questions circling her head as she leaned her body forward, awaiting the guy's performance.

"Excuse me for any mistakes." Izana chuckled, beginning to strum the guitar.

The girl was in awe as she watched her date with the guitar. His hands danced along the strings with precision and grace, endless melodies echoing across the room. (Y/N) shut her eyes, enveloping her senses in a sensational symphony.

Seeing her blissful expression, Izana squinted his eyes.

'Now might be a good chance to tell her. And if she leaves after the truth, I'll be...'

He paused. He didn't know the reason behind it, but he paused his words.

'...I'll be telling Kakucho that he fell for a shitty girl."

"Oh- You stopped playing, Izana? What's the matter?" (Y/N) asked, in concern and confusion for the guy in front of her.

Izana took a deep breath. There's no turning back now. He'd either do it now, or hide the truth for the entire time.

"I'm giving you a chance to flee before you get intoxicated."

"Intoxicated? What are you taking about, Izana?" (Y/N) questioned. Where did that come from?

Leaning in, Izana's breath landed on her ear, as he whispered in a tone she could not decipher.

"You're going on a date with the Kanto region's top delinquent, you know?"

𝐍𝐎.𝟏 𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐌𝐀𝐍 || Izana KurokawaWhere stories live. Discover now