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Saturday, Yokohama city central

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Yokohama city central...

Second person POV

For the third time since he arrived, Izana checked the time. An exasperated sigh left his lips as he stood, arms crossed and leaning against a wall. Where was this girl? He didn't like people who weren't punctual.

Just as he was about to leave, Izana heard footsteps come towards him, followed by panting. "You sure took your sweet time, didn't you, (Y/N)." Izana wanted to click his tongue in distaste, but refrained from doing so as to fulfill Kakucho's request.

'...Do girls lack punctuality?' Izana pondered.

Displeased, he took in the girl's appearance. (Y/N) was in casual wear, with her (H/C) hair slightly messed up. He'd pity her if she didn't arrive late to the date. Most importantly, the date they both were expecting.

Seeing Izana's expression, a chill ran down (Y/N)'s spine as she quickly gathered her composure, explaining the reason behind her late arrival.

"I'm so, so sorry! I cleared up everything on my schedule 30 minutes prior, but my boss suddenly requested that I oversee the shipment of some stocks we ordered!" The girl clasped her hands together, lightly bowing to express her guilt.

'I have to make it up to him, how could I have let someone wait like this? So disrespectful!!!' the girl screamed in her head.

Looking back up at Izana, (Y/N) took a deep breath, before suggesting her compensation. "How about I pay for everything today? It's the least I can do." She gave him the most sincere look she could muster in hopes of forgiveness.

Izana thought for a brief moment, before laughing lightly. "It's fine, you're a busy woman. But I suppose you could make it up to me by paying for our meals. I'll pay for the rest." He glanced at his date. (Y/N) was beaming in gratitude and excitement. A fitting look for a woman like her.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Let's go, Izana. I found a high rated sushi house nearby."  (Y/N) ran ahead, occasionally looking back to check on her date. Izana on the other hand kept up with her pace rather easily, waving when she turned around to signal his attention.


"This tastes amazing! I'd really love more of it— right, what were you saying, Izana?" Lost in the delicacies, (Y/N) turned her attention back to Izana, who had asked her a question while she was busy savoring.

"I'm glad you're enjoying the food. Anyways, I wanted to know more about you. How old are you? Are you currently studying? Maybe even your birthday, well, only if you're comfortable, of course." Izana continued observing (Y/N).

'I see, so girls enjoy savoring and tasting different kinds of food.' Izana mentally noted.

"Well, I'm 17 this year, currently a high school student. My birthday's on (Your birthdate). What about you?" As she answered, (Y/N) took note of his hesitance to answer.

Izana's breath hitched. He'd ruin the plan if he told (Y/N) about his role as a delinquent. The boss of a delinquent gang, even. "I'm 18 this year, ...currently not enrolled in any education system."

"...I see. Well, Izana! We're both done with our meals, let's head off after I pay." (Y/N) didn't miss the part where he paused and avoided her question, but decided to shrug it off. No worries, she'll find out when she gets to know him better.

"Although I obviously avoided her question, she didn't pry when she saw my hesitance. Girls are rather observant, it seems." Izana thought to himself.

After thanking the restaurant employees for their service and making payments, the two youngsters stepped out of the restaurant. Taking in the fresh air, (Y/N) stretched and turned to Izana. She had a few plans in mind.

"Have you been to an arcade before, Izana?" the girl asked. Izana sank into thought once again. He believed arcades to be rather bland and boring. 'For the request, a few sacrifices can be made, I guess.'

"Oh, uh- I was just suggesting! Please feel free to disagree, Izana." (Y/N) on the other hand began to panic. Izana didn't seem quite fond of the idea. Making her date unhappy again was the last thing she wanted to do.

'Girls can be quite intuitive and understanding, huh.' Izana noted.

Izana shook his head lightly. "Don't worry, I was just spacing out. You could teach me how to play these games— I don't have much experience in them." He gave a small nod in hopes of easing the mood.

"Don't just stand there, (Y/N). The arcade will be closed if you keep staying idle." Izana chimed, waving his hand as a signal for the girl to catch up.

"Right, coming!"




"Are you sure you have no idea how to play these games? You've beaten me in nearly every single one of them!" (Y/N) glared at her date in disbelief. Izana had beaten her in at least 89% of the games they played.

Izana looked at the frustrated girl in curiosity. He, too, was surprised by his performance. He could get addicted to this taste of victory.

"This is so unfair... wait, the time right now— I have to be home by 30 minutes!" Frustrated, (Y/N) checked her watch, only to be shocked by the time they spent in the arcade. 'Time flies when you're having fun and being pissed off, doesn't it?' (Y/N) lamented in her head.

"How about I see you off? We'll part at the city central." Izana offered. He needed to win her heart for the request, after all.

(Y/N) smiled at the sentiment. He was the first gentleman she had seen in a while. "I'd love that. Come on then, or we'll be late!"

"Right." Izana caught up to the girl ahead. Regardless of the bet, he was interested in (Y/N) and her antics.


"Well, I guess this is where we part. Same time next week, Izana?" Upon reaching their destination, (Y/N) waved goodbye to her date. It had been a fun experience for her, and she wanted to do something like that again.

Izana nodded. "I would love to. Also..." He took one step closer towards the girl. With their bodies nearly flush against each other, (Y/N)'s faced reddened in anticipation.

"Take this as a parting gift. Till next week, (Y/N)." Izana planted a kiss on her forehead, before turning on his heel and heading back.

"...Mhm, till next week."

𝐍𝐎.𝟏 𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐌𝐀𝐍 || Izana KurokawaWhere stories live. Discover now