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Second person POV

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Second person POV

"...Say what?"

Izana looked at his best friend- or what he calls, his loyal pawn. The man in front of him was furiously blushing. The sight, and his friend's former words, perplexed him.

Kakucho shifted his head to the side, before repeating his request. "I... want you to befriend a girl. And then break her heart so that I can come to the rescue... God, that was shameful, wasn't it?" Kakucho wanted to dig a hole and bury himself in it. His request was a lot more embarrassing to him, now that it was said out loud.

"I see. So you want me to play the bad guy for your Prince Charming love story? Hmm..." Izana pretended to consider the thought, though he had a clear answer in his head. Just a few moments later, Izana clasped his hands in conclusion. "I don't see why not- after all, I personally would like to know how a girl works."

If he recalled, the only interactions he had with women would be his sore excuse of a mother, and Emma. Taking Kakucho's request, he'd fulfill his curiosity and satisfy Kakucho's request. A win-win, he'd say.

"Really? You don't mind being the bad guy?" Kakucho was stunned, to say the least. He expected Izana to flat out reject his proposal and call it a waste of time. "That's right. Now if you don't mind, give me the details of this lucky lady."

Kakucho rubbed his chin, recalling what he remembered about her. "Well, I've only seen her working at the convenience store nearby- the one where we hang out at, sometimes. Judging from her nametag, her name is (Y/N)(L/N), she's got (H/C) (H/L) and (E/C) eyes. She usually wears her work uniform, but sometimes she works in her school uniform, from a highschool nearby, probably."

Izana stared in mild shock as Kakucho continued blurting every single detail he could remember. "A girl that's gotten Kakucho like this must be an interesting fellow. Now I'm excited to meet her." he thought to himself.

"I think that's everything I remember. So, anyways- wait, where are you going?" Kakucho rushed beside Izana, who was walking away. "I'm going to get to know your dear (L/N), wasn't that what you wanted?" Izana looked back, though showing no signs of stopping or slowing down.

Kakucho stopped in his tracks. "Well, good luck then. Please don't steal her heart too much! Or she'll never get over you once you break up with her!" he yelled, not too loud but enough for Izana to hear. Izana merely waved as he headed towards the store.


Less than 15 minutes later, Izana was greeted by the sight of a store in front of him. He subtly looked through the window and to no surprise, spotted his target. She was assisting a fussy college student, trying to find one specific brand and flavor of instant noodles. Put in a tough spot, the girl attempted to keep her cool, advising the customer to search in another store.

Seeing the stubborn customer, Izana grimaced and stepped into the store. He wasn't going to let some measly guy get in the way of his plans.

"You should be off by now, shouldn't you, good sir? The store doesn't have what you want, fuck off." Izana flashed an unwelcoming smile. "And why should I? Don't tell me Prince Charming here is trying to chase m-" before the college student could retort, Izana sent a flying punch towards the guys face. The guy backed towards the store exit in shock, before pulling himself up and rushing away. "What a coward, am I right?" Izana scoffed, before turning his head towards the shocked girl.

To his surprise, the girl beamed and skipped her way next to him. "Thank you so much! I probably would've called security if he wouldn't stop. Oh, right- is your hand alright? That was a pretty solid punch you threw back there." the girl observed Izana's hand, which was still raised. "Doesn't seem like anything serious, but we sell plasters here, if you need them."

As the girl blabbered on, Izana took in her appearance. No wonder Kakucho was so awestruck, she was indeed quite beautiful. Snapping back to reality, he looked up at the girl. "I appreciate your sentiment. (L/N), right?" seeing the girl nod, Izana continued. "I'm Izana Kurokawa, pleasure to meet you. I've taken an interest in you, will you be free this Saturday?"

(Y/N) was stunned for a split second, before flashing a small smile. "Pleasure to meet you too, Kurokawa. I'll make time for this Saturday." She reached her hand out, signalling for a handshake. "It's a date, then?" Izana returned the gesture, asking.

"See you then, Kurokawa." "Please, call me Izana, if you may, (L/N)." Izana chuckled. He was fascinated by this girl. "Then that's (Y/N) to you. See ya!" (Y/N) waved at Izana, who was walking towards the exit. "Likewise. Till we meet again, (Y/N)."


"So how did it go?" Kakucho rushed to his friend's side, eager to know about the outcome. Seeing this, Izana looked back at the direction of the store.

"It's a date."

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Prologue is out! Votes and shares are appreciated, and we'll meet again in the next chapter~ ('∀`)


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