New Goal

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After the night Headmaster Wilbeck was murdered, my goals had changed. Despite both Nico and Cecilia trying to convince me to go to school, I had no intention of trying to be a normal boy like the headmaster wanted me to be. I hated myself for being unable to protect her, the woman who raised me like a mother when every other adult had regarded me as a pest or burden. She took me in, wanting nothing in return except for my own happiness and for a time, I thought I had found it.

During that short period in my life with Nico and Cecilia by my side in the orphanage with Headmaster Wilbeck to watch out for us and scold us, I was happy like any normal child. She had no sins-she did nothing wrong. The headmaster was the type of person to give up her own lunch to a homeless man she had just passed by, yet life repaid her kindness with a horrible and bloody death.

The orphanage was left in charge by another headmaster and after a few months, the kids laughed like nothing ever happened.

Not me, though. I had become obsessed with finding out who had sent those killers after me and Nico and Cecilia as well as Headmaster Wilbeck.

Nico's words rang clearly. "What are you even going to do once you find them? You're going to take them out all on your own? With your ability?"

That was when I realized I had to get stronger. Withdrawing my application to the school, I enrolled in one of the military institutes where they trained candidates for the army.

Both Nico and Cecilia tried to talk me out of it. They urged me to give the school a chance to break me free of my obsession. Looking back now, I wish I had listened to them then. My life would've been much less painful and lonely if I had.

Perhaps the thing I regretted more than refusing to listen to them was allowing the two of them to follow me into the training institute. I know I had advised them against it at the time, but if only I had tried harder-pushed them farther away from me-then at least my life would've been the only one affected.

The Beginning After The End : Past LifeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ