"I'm really glad I finally found you again...."

Sunghoon continued to caress his cheeks as he started to look back.

"Mom! Mom! I have a new friend!"

The young Sunghoon excitedly spoke as he ran to his mother's arms.

"Really? Who is it??"

"He said he's Jaeyun! We agreed to marry each other when we grow up!!"

His mother laughed.

"Really? Then when are we going to meet your future?"

Sunghoon giggled, blush on his cheeks as he imagined Jake's reaction again. He honestly found the little boy adorable.


Sunghoon couldn't help but to chuckle lightly.

"Isn't it weird? You said we'll see each other again but the next day, I found out you went overseas..."

He fixed Jake's bangs.

"You're too cute back then... Well... Even until now... If I didn't hear that your name is Jaeyun, maybe I wouldn't know..."

Sunghoon moved closer until their foreheads touched.

"Thank you for completing me once again Jake..."

He closed his eyes as he silently prayed. He hoped that his pain will end soon. And so is Jake's.

"I can't stay any longer anymore... But believe me... I'm so happy I found you...."

"I love you."

Sunghoon whispered before he kissed Jake's forehead. He pulled him closer and just hugged him tight, not planning to let him go.

"I'm here to inform him about it."

"I'm sorry Jungwon-ah. But he's currently unconscious."

Sunghoon furrowed his eyebrows and slowly opened his eyes.

"Jake he's awake."

Jake turned to Sunghoon and smiled. Sunghoon can see the fear disappear from his eyes.

"Hey. Good morning."

Sunghoon wanted to talk but no voice came from his mouth. Jake went beside him and held his hand.

"That's because you're still gaining your strength."

Sunghoon blinked. Jake understands.

"Jungwon is here because he has something to say."

Sunghoon looked at Jungwon.

"Hi h-hyung! I'm... I...."

The younger took a deep breath.

"I'm finally discharged!"

He managed to say it cheerfully.

"I'll visit you everyday hyung okay? And... Soon... Remember what we and Ni-Ki talked about?"

Jungwon held his hand.

"Let's plan more for the future okay? We have so much for the future hyung."

Sunghoon smiled and nodded.

"That's it!! We'll come back tomorrow!! See you hyung!"

But before Jungwon could even move away, Sunghoon tapped his hand.

"Yes hyung?"

He opened Jungwon's palm and wrote something.


"You want to see Ni-Ki, hyung?"

Sunghoon nodded.

"O-Okay. I'll call him outside."

Jungwon rushed outside and pulled Ni-Ki.

"Hyung... Hi."

Sunghoon stared at him.

"T-Take care."

He managed to voice out.

"Take care you t-two... And tha...thank you for s-spending time with m-me."

Ni-Ki stops his tears and smiled.

"You're welcome hyung... And I'm looking forward for more time to spend with you. So see you tomorrow hyung okay?"

Sunghoon nodded. Jungwon grabbed Ni-Ki's hand for strength.

"We're going now hyung... See you tomorrow!!"

Closing the door, the two finally let out their tears.

"We better be early tomorrow."

"Say that to yourself hyung."

"You wake up more late than me Ni-Ki. Shut up."


Jake turned to Sunghoon.

"You're pushing your voice again."

"Why n-not?"

Jake rolled his eyes. Sunghoon motioned him to move closer.

"You've been out for a week...."

"That long?"



Jake looked at Sunghoon, fear on his eyes. Sunghoon opened his arms and Jake just knew.

He hurriedly went to his arms.




Jake buried his head more on Sunghoon's chest and nodded, stopping his tears.

"We will..."


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