4-A Year; First Wish

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The nurse tries his best to erase the memory of the unconscious Sunghoon a while ago. He shook his head.

'I should not worry too much.'

Sunghoon slowly opens his eyes. He feels light. He looked at his side.

"You're awake...."

Sunghoon can only nod. Jake sat beside him and took a deep breath.

"Dr. Lee said that I should keep an eye about you from now on... So expect that from this day forward, I won't be away from your sight."

Sunghoon looked at him.

"Who gave you the permission to walk on the hallways anyway? Good thing someone saw the both of you a while ago."

"I know you can talk. You just fainted and the medicine's injected to you already...."

"Patient 1130-"

"Do you have any plan on calling me by my name?"

Jake gulped.


"You keep on calling me patient 1130. I have a name."

Jake blinked. It was true. But he is not used on calling his patients by their names.


"I doubt you even know my name. This is a big hospital anyway and you're busy-"

"Park Sunghoon."

Sunghoon almost choked on his own words.

"Sunghoon is your name so stop acting as if I'm not capable enough on my own job."

Sunghoon can almost feel himself pouting.


He just stared at Jake.

"What do you need?"

Sunghoon raised his hands.

"I want to sat up."

Jake huffed and went hold Sunghoon. He carefully sat him down. Covering the half of Sunghoon's body with his blanket.

"Is that okay now?"

Sunghoon pointed the notebook on his table. Jake stood up and grabbed it for him.

"Your pen please."

Jake resists the urge to roll his eyes and gave him his ball pen.

"Now what?"

Sunghoon smiles as he opens the last part of his notebook. He smiled and placed a check mark on the the first in the list. Jake did his best to not peep on it.

"What's that?"

Sunghoon looked at him and showed the page.

"My wish list."

Jake furrowed his eyebrows.

"For what?"

"Before I die."

Jake can't help but to stop.

"To what?"

"Before I di-"

"You can't just say that all of a sudden."

"And why shouldn't I? That's easy for you guys to say. But it doesn't mean that it's the same for me."

Jake bit lips.

"Okay look....."

"Don't cheer me up. I'm okay..."

Jake wanted to talk but Jay came back from the room. He left the two for a talk as he went to Dr Heeseung.

He knows that the older had found something already.

"Hyung.... Just say it..."

Jake rarely gets impatient. But he can't just stop himself when he found his hyung still outside Sunghoon's room, looking down.

"What did the both of you talked about?"

Dr. Heeseung finally looked at him and forced a smile.

"I'm sorry...."

Jake tilted his head.

"Hyung we're okay before you went outside. What's the matter?"

"Jake I'm sorry...."

Jake shook his head. He opened his mouth to talk but he froze at Heeseung's next words.

He didn't know why at that moment, the very familiar feeling came back.

He's scared.

Jay didn't know how is he supposed to talk. But then, Sunghoon beat him to it.

"What's up?"

Jay formed his fists and gulped before finally looking at Sunghoon.

"How are you feeling?"

Sunghoon looked at his hands.

"I'm feeling better... I think the medicine worked."

Jay stops himself from crying.

"What's wrong?"

"Jay you've been really quiet. At this times, you should be nagging me already. Not that I want that too but-"

"You only have this year left Sunghoon."

Sunghoon literally stopped. Jay watched his expression dropped and he can also feel himself breaking.

For a moment, neither of them talked. Jay is just too scared to talk.


Jay looked back at him. Sunghoon smiled, but Jay knew better.

"It's really a good thing I started to do my wishes then."

"Sunghoon-ah. Look-"

"Didn't I told you already? It's hopeless. You're the only one who wanted this anyway."

Sunghoon smiled bitterly again.

"I accepted it a long time ago... It's this hospital's fault to build my hope back. But I guess it's no use too..."

Jay can't stand it. His best friend giving up. Seeing those eyes that once shone with full brightness. Now only shows empty orbs with loneliness and pain.

"Jay can I just ask for one thing then?"


If there is anything that Sunghoon wants right now, Jay will give it to him no matter what. Whatever that is.

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