2-Meet Again

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-Please be reminded that Sunghoon will have more scenes of him fainting. I tried my best to tone it down but still be warned. Thank you.


Sunghoon woke up feeling very breathless. He can't breathe and he doesn't even know what is happening. His vision blurs then he blacked out.

When he can finally feel his body, Sunghoon opened his eyes, feeling the oxygen mask on his mouth.

"Finally you're awake....."

He turned to his side and saw Jay. The man seemed to just woke up. Disheveled hair, he wore his glasses.

"How are you feeling?"

It's hard to speak with the mask but Sunghoon can't have the strength to remove it. And besides, he feels so better with it.

He just raised a thumbs up to Jay.


Knowing that he must be having a lot of questions, Jay sat up properly and looked at him.

"You passed out last Monday. It's a good thing Dr. Lee was about to check you... They conducted some tests while you're away and guess what Sunghoon?"

Jay smiled, but the tears are threatening to fall from his eyes.

"They finally discovered your sickness...."

Sunghoon furrowed his eyebrows as he slowly removed the oxygen mask. He knows he's already calm enough.


"It's a rare disease and they're still searching for... The cure...."

Sunghoon stops himself from rolling his eyes.

"We already know it's hopeless Jay. Let's just give up."

"I will put my trust with this! They're different! Maybe they can cure you!! Maybe—"

"Stop with the maybe's...."

"Sunghoon please just listen to me—"

They're interrupted by a knock on the door. Jay cleared his throat and opened it.

"Oh. Nurse Shim...."

Jake smiled.

"Calling me by my first name is fine too...."

Jay just smiled awkwardly.

"Are you here to check him up? He's actually awake now."

"Really? That's a good thing... We better see if the medicines will have any reaction if he's awake."

Jay moved aside and let Jake enter. Sunghoon who's been struggling to hear the conversation sat up properly.

He eyed Jay as Jake did something on the table beside him.

"Oh right. So... You've been out for five days already... And he's taking care of you.."

Sunghoon mouthed out a 'what'.

"I requested for a private nurse for you..."

He glared at the older. Jake finished injecting the medicine on Sunghoon's IV and looked at him.

"It's nice to finally see you awake... I'm nurse Shim Jaeyun. Nurse Jake will be just fine."

Sunghoon stopped.

'Shim Jaeyun?'

He extended his hand in front of Sunghoon.

"I'm Park Sunghoon..."

He stared at it for a moment before he finally accepted. Jake shook it for a second before pulling away.

"I know. Patient 1130...."

Sunghoon furrowed his eyebrows.

'I told him my name and yet he called me what?'

"Are you feeling anything?"

Jake is busy writing on his notes. He glanced at Sunghoon.

"I don't...."

"Hmm.... That's good... It seems like you're body's taking the medicines well... I'll be back after an hour for another check..."

Sunghoon panicked when Jake suddenly moved closer. He gently laid Sunghoon down again and placed the oxygen mask beside him on the table. He grabbed his blankets and covered Sunghoon gently, tapping his hand for a moment.

"You still need some rest. Maybe tomorrow you can start having your routine but for now, as far as I can observe, you're still not ready for any extra movements."

Sunghoon can't even push himself to reply. Jake stood up and turned to Jay.

"Please do call me if anything happens. I don't care if it's just a mere hand twitching, just any unnecessary changes, call me immediately."

Jay nodded and watched him walk out. Then he turned to Sunghoon.

"He's not bad right?"

"Where on earth did he came from?"

Jay raised an eyebrow.

"And why are you curious? This is not the reaction that I'm expecting you..."

"Just answer me Jay.... Is he from overseas?"

Jay looked at him weirdly.

"What the hell Sunghoon? How will I know a nurse's address? And where did you got the idea that he's outside the country?"

"Because he said Jake..."

Jay just rolled his eyes. Though the situation also applies to him, he's not sure if Jake is the same.



"Can you grab my bag for me?"

Jay stopped.


"I want you to get my list."

Jay widened his eyes.

"List? S-So...."

"I want to write something...."


"Don't you dare look at it."

"I won't don't worry..."

Sunghoon doesn't even want to sat up yet. He still wants to be on the same place Jake had placed him. He turned the pages until it fell on one specific one.

He smiled as he traced his writing.

'I can finally do you....'

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