6-Second Wish

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-For this chapter, be aware of the following. Good luck.

cw // blood


Today is one of the days that Sunghoon hates the most.

Blood test.

He always ends up collapsing everytime they check his blood.

"Stop pouting and get yourself here."

Jake arranges his wheelchair and looked at Sunghoon.

"You should be doing fine with it already. What are you scared of?"

Jake knows that his case is rare. But Sunghoon's body at the moment is still okay. So the man should not collapse everytime.

"Do you think I don't know what are you doing?"

The nurse looked at Sunghoon.

"What do you mean?"

"You push yourself to sleep after every check up. Don't try to say no. I'm a nurse Park Sunghoon."

Sunghoon just pouted again.

"But really, I don't want to."

"Just do what the doctor says."

Jay showed up beside Jake.

"But what if I don't want to? Why are we even doing this? Remember that I'm dying any day anyway."

Jay stared at him.

"Are we going to do this over and over?"

Jay held his shoulders.

"Look.... Even Dr. Lee is not giving you up yet. Just fight longer please?"

"Why fight when you'll-"

"Then what if let's put this like this!"

Jake can't help to but in.


The two just looked at Jake, surprised.

"Let's do it after then."

Jay looked at Sunghoon. He gave him the what-did-you-told-this-man-this-time look. Sunghoon smiled at him, giving him the he-offered-it-himself look. Jay widened his eyes.

"What are you both talking about?"

"PARK SUNGHOON. What did this guy told you Nurse Jake?!"

Jake smiled at Jay.

"If you will go now. We'll do your second wish after."

The two became quiet.

"You asked for him to do your wishes?"

Sunghoon looked down. Jay sighed.

"Why did you asked for him?"

Jake silently made his way beside Sunghoon. He stood up beside him, covering him from Jay a little bit.

"I actually told him I'll help him. It was my initiative... Don't worry...."

Jay sighed again.

"As long as he's fine with it then."

Sunghoon smiled.

"Okay! Let's go then!!!"

Jay just watches Jake push the wheelchair for Sunghoon. He is still strong enough at the moment.

The oldest of the three doesn't know if he should be happy with the change with their relationship.

'This will have too much damage soon...'

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