He takes a bite, then bows.


I clap while I wild out. He chuckles with his mouth closed while eating.

"You're so dope. Im so glad I gotchu as a new friend," I smile.

He trained hard today I'm surprised he isn't beat down. He's getting stronger.

"Thank you Sea. That's wassup. I fuck wit you," he sits down in front of me.

We both go quiet for a bit while he finished up his apple. My smile falls when I notice him thinking to himself.

"So," he clears his throat.

"When is Koi coming back?" He asks like normal.

"I'm not really sure love," I answer.

He nods and keeps at his apple. I get a funny feeling.

It's not a bad feeling.

I start stretching.

Just say it.

"Are you and Koi messing around... and if you have been, how long? Boy are y'all official. Have y'all started going out?" I end up rambling and getting way too excited.

I honestly wish I could tell him about Resh without being afraid to combust and die bitchhh.

He looks at me in shock while chewing aggressively.

"Um... hell no," he laughs.


"Woah... no to all of it? Boyyy you cappin like the lid of a plastic container," I get a lil salty.

Im not blind. Y'all done did sumn.

His smile fades. He adjusts his position.

"It's interesting... this conversation isn't making me feel the best Sea," he admits.

Oh...? I hope it's not toxic...

"Oh shit... I'm sorry. I thought you liked him. Things seem like they're fine and very warm between you guys," I try.

I even saw a lil sucky mark on Koi's collar bone.

"That doesn't mean it's official Sea... or that we finna go out," he says.

Wait... so... you are messing around with Koi? Like messin messin?

"You do like him right?" I ask.

He throws his Apple core hard as shit. It makes it in the trash can.


"I do like him, but-"

"But what?" I ask a little too eagerly.

I run my hands over my hair and pull my knees to my chest.

"Sorry... I... just am going through something. Thought it would help me understand," I confess.

My eyes go from the floor to him. His go from the floor to me.

He lays back on his elbows.

"Well Sea... just between me and you... I hope the day of being official never comes," he says.

My heart squeezes a bit and not in a good way.

"What? Why? That means you don't like him then? You're just looking for a good time?" I ask.

"Between me and you?" He asks.

"Between me and you," I assure.

Marsh has really grown on me. He's really nice. He also didnt question my femininity and thought I was a biological woman. Bonus points for him.

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