Part 17: Episode 13C, Turncoats, The new Script

Start from the beginning

Metal Sonic: Hey Vega, hey Melody~!
Jenny Wakeman: Are you both ready to have some fun at this slumber party~?
Melody smiles happily.
Melody Locus: You know we are~!
Melody, behind her back, tears up some Blueprints before coming inside, Misty walking into the room.
Misty: So, did you all hear about the Invention Convention Disaster?
Metal Sonic and Jenny both sigh.
Vega: Yeah, why?
Misty sighs.
Misty: Just asking.
Metal Sonic groans.
Metal Sonic: Please don't bring it up...
Vega and Melody smirk a bit.
Melody: Don't worry Metal, we won't.
Metal Sonic smiles mouthlessly.
Metal Sonic: Thanks Melody.
A montage begins of Metal Sonic, Jenny, Vega, and Melody all playing party games with Misty. All of them laughing and having a good time as they do the following activities in order.
1. Truth or dare: During which Jenny and Vega kiss each other on the cheek.
2. Twister: Which Metal Sonic surprisingly wins.
3. Never have I ever: During which Melody gets embarrassed.
4. Monopoly: During which Metal Sonic beats everyone quickly due to Eggman being his creator.
5. Eating dinner, of which there is steak on the table.
6. D&D: In which each character has fun.
7. Watching the 1st Sonic Movie
The group all head to their bedroom as Metal Sonic passes Nora.
Metal Sonic: Goodnight, Mom.
Nora smiles tiredly.
Nora: Goodnight, Metal Sonic.
Nora enters her room and sits on her bed, seeming very awake and very nervous.

Nora: Oh, dear... After all of the excitement today, I don't think I'll ever get to sleep...
Right after Nora says that she, comedically, falls asleep for about 3-5 seconds before, suddenly, a creaking sound can be heard, causing her eyes fire wide open.
XJ-1 can be seen over Nora as they just look at them.
Nora: Oh, it's just you XJ-1~! How did you get activated~?
XJ-1 suddenly attacks Nora with a Barf attack, before ramming into their mouth, Causing Nora to spit them out.
Nora: What's gotten INTO YOU?!
Nora suddenly starts getting laser blasted by XJ-2 and runs to a series of doors. The 1st door is a closet with what seems to be thousands of Pairs of the shoes that she's currently wearing. Nora runs to the 2nd Door and opens it, only to find that it's full of Tuck's Fireworks.
Nora: Why did I let Tuck store his fireworks in here...?
The 3rd door Nora opens is a closet with a with a Tiger, for some unknown reason. Metal Sonic then opens the door to Jenny's room, where everyone has been woken up by the noise.
Metal Sonic: (Semi-Angrily + Mostly Concerned) What's going on?!
Metal Sonic and Jenny look at who they sent flying.
Jenny Wakeman and Metal Sonic: XJ-2?!
XJ-2 and Robo Sonic go flying into the room with Tuck's Fireworks, and then XJ-2 Hiccups, causing a massive explosion, waking up the entirety of Tremorton City, Vega, Melody, and Misty running out of the bedroom.
Vega: What was that all about?!
Nora: XJ's 1 and 2 are malfunctioning.
Metal Sonic: Yeah, no kidding
Melody Locus: But why?
Our heroes all hear a sudden growling noise, causing them to turn and see XJ-3 and Robo Sonic.

Metal Sonic and jenny: XJ-3; ROBO SONIC; NOT YOU BOTH TOO!!!
XJ-3 then summons a scorpion tail saw blade and begins to charge at our heroes as Robo Sonic spin dashes towards Metal Sonic, only for Metal to bounce Robot Sonic back at XJ-3, causing XJ-3 to, quite literally, fall apart, and Robo Sonic to shut off due to hitting a wall.
Nora looks at Vega.
Nora: They seem to be targeting me!!! BUT I CAN'T IMAGINE WHY!!!
Jenny looks at Nora with an unamused look.
Jenny: Maybe because you keep them in the Basement with the lights off 24/7.
Metal sighs.
Metal Sonic: No, that's Never bothered them before; well, except for XJ-6 and Silver Sonic, but they tend to make it work.
Nora nods.
Nora: Precisely... It's almost like someone, or something, is-
Nora gets cut off by XJ-4 using a vacuum to vacuum her up.
Metal Sonic quickly pulls Nora out of the Vacuum.
Jenny: Give it up XJ-4...
XJ-4: Don't get in the way XJ-9, Metal, or ANY of you! Or I'll put you all through the RINGER
XJ-4 pulls out spray bottles.
Metal Sonic (Sarcastically AF): Oh no... not the ringer... I'm so terrified...
Metal Sonic sighs.
Metal Sonic (Normally): Just stop it.
Metal Sonic Knocks away the Spray bottles, causing XJ-4 to grab and start spinning around a broom.
XJ-4: He won't stop until mom is destroyed. Time for a clean sweep.
XJ-4 Starts flinging brooms at Metal, Jenny, Vega, Melody, and Nora.
Vega: He? He who?
Melody dodges some of the broom attacks.
Melody: Is someone making you do this?
XJ-4 runs out of brooms and starts rolling back.
XJ-4: I'll never Tell.

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