Birth of Hercules & the Gospel truth

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(n/n)- nickname

-long ago in the far away land of ancient Greece there was a golden age of powerful gods and extraordinary hero battles and the greatest and strongest out of all these battles was between the mighty Hercules and Y/N. But what is the measure of true responsibility? That is what our story- will you listen to him?! He's making this story sound like some Greek tragedy!" A voice called interrupting him. "Lighten up dude!" Another said and five women appeared on a vase. "We'll take it from here darling." The middle one said being the seemingly more mature one. -you go girl-

After the reply the five women started to move their body's in sync. "We are the muses, goddesses of the arts and proclaimers of heroes and tellers of hero battles!" The middle one started before the far right said, "Heroes like Hercules~" "And Y/N!" The second one to the right exclaimed after. "Girlys you mean Hunkules and pretty-(n/n)! Oh hoo! I'd like to make sweet music with him-!" The one on the far left said jumping down on the picture of Hercules on the vase."OUR, story actually begins long before the battle, many aeons ago." The middle one said before one of them vocalized and then they broke out into song.

(A/N: you can play the video if you don't wanna read the lyrics)

"Back when the world was new
The planet Earth was down on its luck
And everywhere gigantic brutes
Called Titans ran amok

It was a nasty place
There was a mess
Whereever you stepped
Where chaos reigned and
Earthquakes and volcanoes never slept

And then along came Zeus
He hurled his thunderbolt
He zapped
Locked those suckers in a vault
They're trapped
And on his own stopped
Chaos in its tracks
And that's the gospel truth
The guy was too type A to just relax

And that's the world's first dish
Zeus tamed the globe
While still in his youth
Though, honey, it may seem imposs'ble
That's the gospel truth

On Mt. Olympus life was neat and
Smooth as sweet vermouth
Though, honey, it may seem imposs'ble
That's the gospel truth"

After the goddesses piece, a giant mountain came to view and it crept getting higher and higher, with the women vocalizing, until it revealed the giant golden gates of Olympus and through the gate a great golden place appears floating in all of its glory.

When a man in a fire chariot rides to the center of the place where a party is being held.Gods and goddesses stand in a group talking and laughing. Every one of them except one particular god.

A baby's laughter sounded and a following amused voice "Hercules!" The mother of the child Hera queen of the gods and goddesses, the goddess of mothers and care. "Behave yourself" she said to Hercules, taking back her crown he grabbed, while a crib made out of cloud appears. As she was placeing the baby in the crib a voice said "look at this," Zeus said looking down at his newborn "look how cute he is, Hey!" Zeus said clicking his tongue while making funny faces at the baby and wiggleing his finger. Then Hercules grabbed his fathers finger, lifting the god up by minimal strength.

"Oh he's strong like his dad eh?" Zeus said to his wife. "Woah excuse me, hot stuff coming through! Oh, one side Ares."
The messenger of the gods, Hermes, said flying with his flowers that he shows to Hera. "Oh there lovely Hermes!" She said taking the flowers and admiring them. "Yeah you know I had Orpheus do the arrangement. Isn't that too nutty?" Hermes explained proudly flying over to his boss so that he is eye level with him.

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