Chapter 16

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"Ah, Y/N, could you go to one of the stores to buy some extra water bottles?"

"Sure!" Jean handed me a 20 dollar bill and I headed to go fulfill the request.

We were getting the items needed for the meet and greet ready and because we're basic people, we are doing it in the local shopping mall. (👍) A lot of people came pretty early and we ended up having to ask security to help us tell people to wait until the time came.

I came back with about 8 water bottles and saw Venti fighting with Xiao again.

"Why are you guys fighting already? I thought you just finished your fight in the car."

"Xiao's being a meanie again! It's not my fault!"

"Hmph. You're just being annoying."

Aether sighed. "Guys, we're literally in public right now. Can you save your fight for later at least?"

"I doubt we'll get them to stop until Jean comes back." Kazuha shook his head.

Aether and Kazuha are very similar in a way.

I grabbed a nearby clipboard and lightly hit Venti and Xiao on the head with it. "Shut up, you two. We have about 5 minutes until we start meeting fans. It wouldn't be very good to greet them angry."

Both Venti and Xiao stayed quiet after that, but they still gave each other a glare or stuck their tongue at each other. Jean went to security and told them it would fine to let the people through now and a wave of people rushed over.

Jean and I were equally surprised and looked at each other.

"I felt like I would've died if I got run over."

"Let's just hope the boys don't have too much trouble." Jean replied.


"Please, just-"

"For the last time, we aren't giving out our numbers!" Xiao groaned.

The poor girl kept persisting though and banged her hands onto the table. "I promise I won't bother you or anything!"

"What the-"

"Excuse me, miss." I tapped the girl on her shoulder, "I apologize but as Xiao has said we are not giving out phone numbers for safety reasons."

"Who are you to say anything to me? I'm asking 4NEMO not you!"

I got really pissed off at this point. "I am one of the managers of 4NEMO and if you do not continue to cooperate with us, I will call security."

"I- You- wait- aren't you the one that's dating Kazuha?"

"Uhm... yes? Wait- how is this related to the situation?"



A long list of complaints began echoing through the crowd.

I sighed. "If you have anything else you would like to talk to 4NEMO about please say them now as we still have many others to get to."

The girl shook her head and grabbed my hand walking away.

"Hey- wait- what are you doing?"

Kazuha looked over confused but went back to the meet and greet as there were people asking for his attention.


"What do you need? I need to get back before Jean catches me being 'irresponsible'."

"Hmph. Fine, I just wanted to ask something."

"What's the question?" I sighed.

"How did you and Kazuha get together?"

"Why... do you need to know this?"

"I- uhm... want to ask someone out, but I don't really know how to go about it, so I thought maybe I could apply what other people did to help..."

"Well... then... I won't be of much use to you... since what Kazuha did was more... straight forward." I replied, my face heating up, remembering the day we began dating.

"I- I still would like to know!" The girl looked at me very seriously, "Anything would help!"


"IT'S FINALLY LUNCH! I'M STARVING!" Venti yelled, flopping onto the table.

"Venti, get off the table. How are we going to eat if you're laying on the table?" Aether sighed as he tried to pull Venti off.

"I'm tireeeeeeeeeeeeeeed, Aetheeeeeeeeeeeeeer."

Xiao decided to help pull Venti off and with the combined efforts of Aether and Xiao, we got Venti off the table and onto a chair.

"Great job so far. Besides a few incidents, I think everything's gone smoothly. What are your thoughts on the meet and greet so far?" Jean asked.

"I don't like it." Xiao grumbled.

"I met a lot of people! And some of them had pretty good jokes!" Venti laughed.

"Mixed feelings. It's not the best but not the worst either." Aether replied.

Kazuha thought for a moment before speaking. "Hm... It's kind of fun."


When we got back home, Kazuha hugged me from behind and sighed. Kazuha usually did this when he was bothered by something, but sometimes he does it because he wanted my attention.

"What's wrong, Kazuha?" I asked while patting his head. 

His hair was messy and his ponytail had grown loose. I pulled out his hair band, letting his soft locks of hair fall onto his shoulders.


"Y/N, the fans didn't make you uncomfortable right?"

I was a bit surprised by his question. "No. Why would you think that?"

Kazuha stayed silent for a bit. "You get nervous around people a lot and there were people that bothered you..."


Kazuha's POV


Y/N let out a small, quiet laugh at my response. I watched as she fidgeted with my hairband, awaiting her response. 

"You caught me. I did get pretty nervous, but since you're only asking now... means I did a good job hiding it then. Am I right?"

I hugged Y/N tighter. I didn't like that she tried to hide how she felt. She always tells me she doesn't want people to judge her for her actions.

"I don't like it, Y/N. I don't like you hiding things from me..."


There was a small silence.

"...I'll try not to hide my feelings next time."


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