Chapter 10

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"Call me if anything happens, okay? I'll be back in a bit."

I waved off to Kazuha as he left the door. Today, my mother would be visiting again because I decided to let her explain herself. After all, my questions will only be answered if I talk with her. I began to clean the house a bit just so there's nothing for me to throw if I get too angry. (<3)

The door bell rang and I opened the door.

"Let's start, shall we?" I greeted with a glare.

Mom gave a nervous laugh, walked in, and sat at the dining table. I sighed and looked back at her. "I want you to explain, mom. I'm not here for some normal chit chat, daughter and mother catch up time. No. Start." Then she started talking.

"I am truly sorry, Y/N. Let's go home, okay? Let's start over."

I bit my bottom lip and shook my head. "No. I- I'm not ready to forgive you yet."

"Sweetie, I can make it up to you. I'm sure your father is also very sorry. Please, listen to me I-"

"Mom. I- I told you to leave me alone. So please get out."

"My dear Y/N please."

I ran upstairs to my room without listening to another word. Mom came up after me. I know because I could hear her outside of the bedroom door.


Kazuha's POV


"Y/N, I'm home!" I yelled.

Nobody answered. I decided to go up to her room. When I got up the stairs, I saw a woman who looked similar to Y/N sitting in front of the door.

"Excuse me? Could I please get through?"

The woman looked up at me, clearly startled. I stood there waiting when she began glaring at me.

"Who are you? What have you done with my daughter?"

"Oh, so you are Y/N's mother. I'm Kaedehara Kazuha. I am... Y/N's boyfriend."

"No no no no no no no. That can't be. Y/N never mentioned a boyfriend. Tell me the truth! Who are you?!" She yelled, standing up and grabbing my shoulders.

"I- it's the truth, ma'am."

"Mom, stop it! I told you to leave an hour ago!"

Y/N opened her door with red eyes. She had clearly been crying earlier.

"Y/N, my daughter. I-"

"Let go of Kazuha! Leave already! Why can't you listen to me?! Do my feelings mean nothing to you?!" Y/N's voice was hoarse.

The woman slowly let go of me and walked downstairs, leaving the house. Y/N dropped onto her knees, crying. I ran to her and pulled her into my arms.

"It's alright, Y/N. Calm down. I'm here for you."

"Kazuha... did I do the wrong thing? I- I don't t-think mom deserved t-this. I-"

I pulled Y/N into a kiss. "Y/N, I don't know what happened, but I'm sure you didn't do anything wrong, okay? It's alright. I'm sure your mother understands."




"Y/N! My poor girl! I'm so sorry!" Xiangling whined as she hugged me tightly.

"Xiangling, don't hug her too tight!" 

"I don't think you have to worry too much, Ganyu." Keqing sighed.

"Guys! We're here to lift Y/N's mood! We're NOT here to be sad with her!" Hu Tao yelled standing up with a bottle of apple juice in her hand.

"You're too loud."

"Shut up, Xiao!"

Kazuha had allowed me to bring a few friends over if I wanted, but everyone came in the end. I looked over at Kazuha who only sighed and gave me a smile. I looked around at all my friends and laughed.

"Are we succeeding?" Chongyun asked curiously.

I gave a small nod and everyone suddenly looked extremely excited. Xingiu had his phone out and looked like he had a bright idea. Xiao snatched his phone, shut it down, and shook his head disappointedly.

"Xiao! What the heck, my liege?!"

"I'm not letting you write anything funny while we're here." Xiao growled.


A/N: Sorry, another short chapter! I don't know what to write about rn but I'll try to make the next few chapters longer <3

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