Chapter 3

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In the throne room everyone that had important roles throughout the empire was mingling with each other as they waited for the empress to make her arrival.

A little in front of the throne, the same females that were the first to arrive in the empress room were talking with each other. Others that had seen them wanted to avoid them may all cost. They saw them as the empress most loyal subjects. There was many times where an individual had talked bad about the empress behind her back and they would almost always kill them in the most painful way possible. But everyone would say that the empress herself was worse.

If you were her enemy you'd better hope she wasn't bored because that was when she started to make her sadist games. The last one they remember was that she had an old enemy knight fight numerous amounts of animals and creatures and if he would survive, he would win and she would let them go.

The man actually won but that victory was short lived because she came down and skinned his entire body making sure they would still be alive throughout the process. She than boiled parts of the body before cutting him into pieces slowly. All while making sure he was alive to feel every ounce of pain.

She did this all with a smirk and none of them could forget those screams. What made them fear her even more was because of her reasoning for doing it.

'I was just simply bored no harm in that.'

But for some reason those girls didn't mind it. Speaking of them they were currently arguing with each other which wasn't an uncommon thing to see.

"Why is her scent all over you." Tyghai says as she puffs a huge amount of smoke out of her nostrils.

"Th-that's none of your concern." The woman that was being yelled at says not giving in to her intimidation.

"Like hell it is! I know we sent you to watch the empress but there's no way her scent should be that strong on you. You did something didn't you!?"

"So what if I did. You would have done the same thing if you had the chance."

"Oh so you admit it. what did you do." Tyghai says interested while the others listened on.

Seeing that she wasn't about to get out of this she shyly starts to say what she did.

"I may have..."


"I may have h..."

"Speak up you mutt! What did you do!?"

"I may have hugged her alright! And I saw her smile and I think she blushed a little." She says surprising them and make some of them a little jealous.

"That's impossible. I've never seen her blush or act the way you describe in any way. And the only time she smiles is when she is killing someone." One of the woman with a clawed like weapon attached to her nails says not believing this.

"Well she was acting a little strange when she first woke up." Dajuleh says as she messes with her staff.

"Who cares about that. This little mutt put her hands on the empress." Tyghai says pointing at the woman who than starts to growl at her.

"Why are you always picking a fight with people. One of these days you're going to meet someone more stubborn than you." The dark elf says.

"And besides. We all agreed that we would share her so this wouldn't happen."

"Humph. More like forced. And the only one who can defeat me is the empress herself."

"She's coming. Get ready." one of the quietest one in their small group says.

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