Chapter Twenty One

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The Aftermath of the competition

Bondita was silent like a stone on the way back to the Haveli. She was behaving as if the emotional moment between them didn't happen at all.

The hug that, she had given Anirudh was purely based on her sudden impulse.

At that moment, she felt as if, Anirudh was the only surviving force of her life.

She would not be able to breath any longer without tightly hugging him, like she once used to do.

Their hugs always had the power to sooth her emotional turmoils in a way.

All these days, she had tried to use her admiration for Uday as a way to get rid of these embarrassing feelings that she was having for her own husband.

Who never thought of her as a wife.

All these time, she was having an internal conflict about Anirudh. From the moment, he had started staying in her huge room.

Sharing the same space with the man that had her whole heart had given her palpitations. She wanted to bury her head in his chest every single night. She wanted to hug him like a normal husband and wife does behind closed doors. Without the eyes of anybody else on them.

But the reality of their relationship and Anirudh's own feelings regarding their marriage made Bondita feel ashamed of herself for having these type of indecent thoughts regarding him.

He had already done so much for her and suffered the consequences of it as well. She had no right to impose her feelings on him. She had already snatched too much away from him.

She had snatched away his freedom, his love twice along with his right to live like a normal man with a growing family.

She was his responsibility and that was what, she will forever be for him.

Anirudh on the other hand was feeling like a king based on the after events of the competition.

Seeing Bondita dancing with someone else had made him restless and a part of him wanted to behave like an absolute caveman.

But another sane and rational part of him, the one that wanted success after success for her along with endless praises from people around them was jubilant for her. Happy at the chance that, she had got.

He had felt that, Bondita was going away from him each second but then, she had run towards him like, he was the only one she could see.

She had hugged him tightly like she used to do as a child. The hug healed a part of him according to Anirudh.

His Bondita embracing him in a public place without any regard for the etiquettes that she strictly followed or any embarrassment felt like a medal of honour for him.

But after that hug, she had behaved like a sinner, who had committed the biggest sin possible.

She had sat as far away as she could in the car from him and had went straight to their room. Completely avoiding everyone giving the excuse that, she didn't want her kakasasur ji to see her in a vilayeti (Foreign) dress.

"Bondita, why are you crying? Did anyone say anything to you?"-Bondita stiffened at the voice of Anirudh. She had changed her dress and had sat in the room without any lights in the evening.

It was almost symbolic. It was as if, she was using the room's darkness to get used to the life, she would lead in the future without Anirudh.

"Patibabu, I am fine. You don't need to worry for me."-Anirudh wasn't convinced at her answer. He felt that, she was hiding something from him.

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