Soul Siblings (13)

Start from the beginning

The worry of facing my future in-laws would have to wait, for today was the day Draco and I complete our first assignment of the LMaS class. It was a bittersweet moment as it meant that we'd have to part ways with the cute flower that we cared after for weeks, but it was also the first step in completing the course.

"You ready?" Draco asked me, his grip tightened around my hand as we walked the final stretch of the corridor towards our final class of LMaS for this term. Piss was gently swaying in the blond's embrace with each step we took towards the large double doors.

"As I'll ever be" I responded to the man with a warm smile. We locked eyes for a moment, his greyish blue eyes melting from a gaze of worry to contentment. It seems as though we were both ready.

Draco and I entered the class hand in hand earning a vicious glance from the one I considered to be my brother. Harry Potter. Despite his relentless apologies and promises that he'd 'do better', it seems like he hasn't changed. I'm not exactly sure what goes on in that boy's head, whether it be the pain of knowing that I'd have to marry his enemy of many years or some other issue I wasn't aware of, I'd never know. Regardless, I've grown tired of his childish behaviour and his incapability to accept the relationship and move past his rivalry with the blond.

However, now isn't the time to ponder over the Potter's childish ways for we have an assignment to hand in. Draco with his hand linked with mine pull us towards our usual spot, the black leather sofa at the back of the classroom. Gentility the man placed piss on the table before us and pulled me into his embrace. His arm slithered around my waist and fit perfectly there, as though his arm was destined to be there. I lowered my head onto his shoulder, and my fingers interlocked with Draco's other hand that rested on his lap.

This had become a habit between us two. I'm not exactly sure if others find it annoying or inappropriate, past Draco definitely would never have done this, especially in public. "You okay?" Draco asked when he noticed my gaze boring into him. The blond has changed, not completely but rather... he's different towards me.

His eyes swelled with concern they once held moments before in the corridor as I did not answer. Once I realised I quickly said, "yes, love. Just... lost in thought". Draco nodded softly before his lips met my forehead.

"Good afternoon 8th and 7th years!" The ministry lady spoke enthusiastically. The class did not match her energy and a few mumbles of incoherent greetings could be heard from all four corners of the rather large room.

"Congratulations to you all! Today marks your first step into adulthood. If you haven't guessed by now, the purpose of entrusting you with delicate life such as these plants was to help you develop a sense of responsibility and to test you and your soulmates bond when tasked with the care of another." The lady babbled on, I could see in my peripheral that Draco was getting bored. He huffed out making the tips of his hair rise with his breath. The blond tilted his head back and his shoulders relaxed mimicking a state of slumber. I giggled at his antics, to which he noticed and then adorned a smile.

"In a moment your plants will float up to the front, so if you could please write your and your partner's names on some parchment and place it into the pot then you may leave and enjoy the last few days until the holidays! And expect your results the first day back." the ministry lady said with a wide smile. Draco leapt into action, he scribbled our names hastily onto the yellowed parchment and jumped up with his hand in mine. I quickly said goodbye to Piss as Draco pulled me out of the room.

"Thank Merlin! I don't think I could stand another second in that bore of a class" Draco laughed.

"Agreed!" A deep voice humoured the blond. The two of us turned around to find a tall dark male with a short blonde female.

"Luna!" I smiled and ran up to my best friend and embraced her in a bone-crushing hug. We both laughed and began to converse about what we've missed since we had last met each other (which was only a few days ago).

Zabini and Draco take the lead talking between themselves while Luna and I trail behind. Eventually, we had to part ways as their dormitory was on the 6th floor while ours was on the 7th.

Eventually, we make it to our door when I hear a familiar voice call out for me. Ronald Weasley. "Y/n!" He huffed out in exhaustion with his hand on his knees. "I finally found you..." the ginger took a moment to catch his breath. I gazed at him with a questioning gaze while Draco stood directly behind me in a protective manner. Behind the out-of-breath redhead was a shorter Pugfaced female. The two had been paired up as soulmates despite their apparent differences and their lifelong loathing for one another.

Until now I've barely seen the pair in the same room let alone walking together down a corridor. Regardless the two now stood before Draco and I, mirroring our stances. Pansy and Draco glared at one another, not in a hatred or loathing way but in a protective 'don't you dare say shit' way.

"Y/n I am so very sorry! About everything-" the Weasley began.

"Ron-" I interrupted however he proceeded to talk over me.

"Now I know you said to stop apologising, and to move on, blah blah whatever! To be honest mate, the others don't mean a word they say! However, I was stupid and blind not to notice that! Now I know that makes no sense but hear me out!" Ron quickly added the last part just as my lips began to separate. I hesitantly nodded, wanting to know more yet dreading the following words.

"Look, I thought we were genuinely apologising to you and Malf- sorry, Draco, but I just found out they didn't mean anything they've said, they only wanted to try and 'save you' from Draco!" Ron admitted, his hands waving about in frustration as he spoke.

"What." Draco said deadpan.

"It's true" Pansy nodded, "Ron and I overheard them planning to drug Y/n's drink with an antidote for a love potion." Pansy explained causing visible rage to build in Draco. I calmly placed my hand into his now tense chest, to which he relaxed a bit to my touch. We locked eyes, no words were spoken but our communication was flawless, he nodded knowing I needed him to stay and not storm off to hex the living daylights out of Harry.

"Tell me more." I turn to the pair before me. Pansy looks to Ron, encouraging him to continue.

Ron took a breath before speaking, "I can't remember exactly what they said, but they were convinced Draco has you under some spell and they tried to convince me Pansy will do the same. Harry and Hermione have gone too far and we all treated you like shit and I'm so very sorry for that, I can see it in your eyes you both love each other whether you know it or not, everyone can see it and you've inspired everyone else to accept their soulmates and try to work things out" as Ron said that, his and Pansy's hand intertwined as they looked lovingly into one another's eyes. My heart melted for the two lovebirds.

"Oh I'm so glad things worked out for you Ron, and you too Parkinson, you deserve the world!" I pulled Ron into a big hug, "thank you for apologising, for real this time, thank you for accepting Draco and our relationship and thank you for being the best brother anyone could ask for, even though we aren't related by blood" my eyes began to tear up, Ron's arms wrapped equally as tight around me, holding me close.

Faint sniffs and deep breaths could be heard between us two as we held each other close. "Thank you for being an amazing sister, as you know, it's not blood that makes you family, it's unconditional love that does..." Ron and I pulled away as he wiped my tears away.

"You taught me that..." I smiled up at him.

"Yes... I know..." he smiled warmly back. We both laughed with one another, before pulling the two Slytherins who would usually rather be caught dead than in a hug, let alone a group hug, into our embraces.


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