Honeymoon (Pt 3) Desires

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Jareth was settled between Sarah's spread legs when he moved them to the bed. He craved her ever since she left the Labyrinth when she got Toby back, but now that she was changed and his, he wouldn't miss any chance to please her and hear her moan his name. He slid back into her warn center. He cursed under his breath, noticing she was much tighter than before, thanks to the transformation.

"I will not be rough with you this time, Sarah mine.  I've shown you what I felt for you before, but now let me show you the rest of what I feel for you." He gazed down at the incredible woman below him.

"I'm all yours." She spoke, giving him total control over her. He smirked and  gently laid on top of her, his weight felt erotic to her.  She felt the way his muscles moved under his skin and gasped softly. Enjoying these new amplified feelings, she surrendered her body to him. Face to face, she saw tenderness and passion fill his eyes.  The way he touched her skin so lightly almost made her cry.  She sensed the emotions bursting from him and prepared herself for getting hit head on. Like a tsunami crashing to the shore, she felt all the love this man had for her. A comforting warmth settled in her heart, knowing how much he truly cared for her. He nuzzled her neck, kissing her sensitive skin. Soft gasps and moans left his mouth as he began to pump in and out of her.

"I've waited so long for you, Love." He admitted.

"Now you have me forever." She smiled up at him looking at his passionate eyes. He thrust hard in to her. Once.  Twice. Three times before slowing back down to that romantic pace again.

"I love you." Jareth breathed in to the air  between them.

"I love you." She replied.  She moaned louder as he reached between them and rubbed her sensitive bud. Instead of her body trying to pull away from the strong pleasure attacking her body, she found that she had wrapped her legs around his hips and pulled him closer.  She leaned up into his shoulder, softly biting his flesh, not wanting this to end.

"Is someone gonna cum for me?" He asked seductively. Just his voice could send her into her own undoing, let alone his fingers rubbing her while he  sheathed himself in her warmth.

"Yes, baby. Please don't stop!" She bit her lip and tipped her head back, feeling her climax grow stronger.

"Fuck! I love it when you bite your lip, Love." He thrust into her quickly now, feeling her walls squeeze him and soon, throwing him over the edge of his own release.  An odd feeling, much like an electric current, zipped through her groin and she soon noted that it was the feeling of Jareth spilling himself inside her. Bucking her hips, she got just enough friction on her bud to throw her into a second orgasm.

"Ah....ah....ahhh!" She moaned, clenching her jaw and squirting her juices all over Jareth and the bed.  That was definitely new for her.  She'd never done that before.

"Did you just..?" He smiled as he asked this, not being able to finish that question.

"I do believe so. I'm sorry." She blurted.

"Never apologize for cumming for me like that." He demanded. He inhaled deeply through his nose and picked up a hint of honey, a sweetness that he couldn't smell with her before. 

"Yes, my Love." She pulled her legs up to move around him, wanting to take a shower. 

"Where do you think you're going? I don't recall dismissing you.." A wicked grin plastered itself on his face and his fingers crept up her thighs, resting on her hips.  She felt him stand at attention for her again.

"I was gonna go shower." She looked at him.

"You may shower, but I'm not nearly close to being done with you.  You'll just have to keep showering." He told her.

"What else did you have in mind?" She looked at his member and then up to his eyes.

"I have so many desires and fantasies I want to do with you that I couldn't do before, but now..." He groaned, pushing his head against her clit and closed his eyes.

"But now what?" She asked confused. His eyes shot open and found her green ones staring at him. 

"Now I know you won't break as I fuck you in ways I've only dreamt of." He quickly pulled her hips up to his face, her weight resting on her shoulders while he tasted her. Her legs fell back towards her head, allowing him to go as deep as he wanted to. Plunging his tongue into her wet center, the sweetness he detected earlier coated his taste buds.

Gripping the sheets, her eyes rolled into the back of her head, and she bucked her hips, taking his tongue deeper.

"God, I love the way you fuck me, Jareth!" She spoke.  He moaned in agreement against her clit and watched as she damn near came for him.  His hands cupped her ass, slowly setting her back down on the bed, and finished feasting upon her. Shaking with the force of her orgasm, she came against his mouth, watching him swallow all but a few drops of her nectar.

"Roll on to your front." He spoke and rolled her before she could move. "Be a good girl and don't struggle too much." She heard the desire drip from his mouth, clinging to his words.

'Is that something that turns you on? Me struggling against your massive frame?' She thought and raised an eyebrow in the silence.

'Everything about you turns me on, but watching you writhe beneath me definitely takes the cake.' He guiltily admitted. He massaged her back, trailing down over the curve of her ass and down the backs of her thighs. When he felt her relax he rammed himself deep inside her. 

Goosebumps texture the surface of her skin, charging like a heard of wild horses across her body as she lay beneath him.  She felt the sudden pull of their bond strengthen between them and she couldn't get enough of it.

"Jareth, ah, right there! Don't fucking stop!" She yelled, her body exploding around him, like a Fourth of July firework display, putting on quite a show for his searing gold eyes to gaze upon.  He poured yet another load of his sticky cum deep inside her. He laid his forehead on her back between  her shoulder blades and caught his breath.

"How are you feeling, Love?" He asked, softly trailing wet kisses over her back. She had been so focused on him that she hadn't noticed the excruciating pain in her chest and stomach. Placing hands on both of those places, she applied pressure in hopes to alleviate some of it.

"It hurts! Make it stop!" She began to sob. How long would this last? Wasn't she fully changed now?

"You need to feed from me again. You must not have taken enough the first time.  Drink until you feel everything become calm." He instructed.

He didn't have to tell her twice.  She took his extended wrist and drank from his pulsing vein.

What did he mean when he said that?
Drink until everything is calm? She was lost until everything was abruptly silent.  Her thoughts were silenced along with the loud ocean waves, the birds singing their songs, the breeze brushing against the leaves, everything.......was calm. She stopped drinking, taking in the new silence.

Looking at the floor, she saw every particle that made up every millimeter of the boards, the abused appearance of the fabric on the carpet from years of use, the smallest pebbles that made up a pinch of sand, and the plankton that thrived in one drop of Pacific water.

She studied everything in the room until she looked up and saw a stranger in the mirror. This woman had longer pecan brown hair, fuller breasts, and the porcelain body of a Greek goddess. Sarah ran her fingers over every inch of herself, studying everything about her, even her long and very toned legs.

"She's beautiful." Sarah spoke as a few tears escaped down her cheeks.

"That she is.  She's perfect in every way.  She's a fighter, strong and reliable. She's a lover, soft and caring, but she's also a queen." Jareth spoke from behind her. 

"Is she enough for you?" She asked, finding his eyes looking at her in the mirror.

"She always has been." His eyes became tender and loving.

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