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    We did our best to hid the paper bags to the kids cause they'll not stop asking questions what's inside of the paper bags

    Once the bell rang all of the kids were inside and no one was absent which is good

    Earlier before the bell rang I tell to Clara to go somewhere and just came back when the bell rang so that I can introduced her to the kids in a good way 

Lisa: ok kids Teacher doll have to tell you something but before that let me ask you something

    All of them fall in silent and focus their attention to me

Lisa: did you show your parents the notebook?

Student: ne *nod*

Lisa: *smile* good so plss welcome our student teacher Clara 

    All of them squeal and immediately look at the entrance amd once they saw Clara smiling they ran to her and welcome her

    After that Clara was already wearing her mic that I gave her earlier 

Lisa: *giggle* ok kids stop that and go to your seat now let Teacher Clara introduce herself

Kiella: we should call her Teacher beauty since our adviser was Teacher doll

All student: yes yes she's Teacher beauty from now on 

    Our class goes well and once the bell rang indicating that it's recess they took out their snacks and start eating while Clara gave me a nutella biscuit and I accept it and open before putting some on my mouth

Clara: my mom was excited earlier and she pack me a lot of snacks and lunch 

Lisa: my mom was like that too and I didn't even ate all cause I'm full *giggle*

Clara: and she'll scold you if she saw leftover *chuckle*

    I just agree at her and my phone rang causing me to fish it out from my handbag

My Bunny🐰🥕 is calling

Lisa: *look at Clara* I'll take this outside and if the kids ask you about the snacks drawer gave them some and also watch them if some of them made a kindness go to them and stamp them using this I'll gave them later our class money

    I gave her my personalized stamper and she nod and gave me a smile

    I excuse myself and answer my phone while approaching the door


Lisa: yes love did you already ate and drink a medicine?

Jk: hmm thank you love it's delicious I didn't have time to call you earlier when I woke up cause these idiots were here and after I ate Rm hyung called letting me remember that were guesting on a interview sorry again last night love

    Once I got out there's a teacher and some student passing by and I just bow my head to the teachers and wave to the students

Lisa: ani it's ok just don't promise next time arasseo

Jk: ne~ but don't worry I have something for you in exchange of me getting late and coming home drunk

Lisa: you don't have to btw are you free after your interview?

Jk: our interview ended just now and I'm heading to my apartment to pack and move to your house

Lisa: ohh is that so love do you think your brother will attend the meeting later or Seo Jin's yaya again?

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