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    On the video me and Lea was on a video she's on their practice studio while me was on my room it's just last wednesday

Lisa: show me what you learned 

    There Lea start dancing with the music but after a minute of observing her I spoke

Lisa: no no no you spin fast spin normal then after that pose

    Lea did but it's still fast

Lisa: normal Lea normal try it again

    She did it and its perfect now

Lisa: good now proceed to the next steps

    She did what I said but after a few seconds I spoke

Lisa: stop jump high a little 

    She did what I said and I'm ok with it

Lisa: good now continue 

    She did what I said and so far there's no mistake

Lisa: good so tomorrow I'll not be the one who's watching you over I have a meetings 

Lea: ne eonnie

    Then the video change into another one where Lea and her coach practicing 


Mc: it seems like Miss Lisa was strict about dancing and ballet huh so now let's call our debutant Lea 

    All of us look at the stairs and saw there Lea in her tutu

    Once she reach on the center and the music start to play it's Taylor Swift Wildest Dream

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    Once she reach on the center and the music start to play it's Taylor Swift Wildest Dream

Jk: you know you look hot when you're serious *whisper to my ear*

    I blush and didn't bother to look at him

Lisa: shut up you

    I heard him giggle and Lea start dancing while I'm seeing her movements

[Skip Time]

    Once her performance done we clap our hands and the Mc gave her the mic

Lea: thank you everyone especially to my family and Lisa eonnie at first I really don't like to have a debut cause I want my family to save the money that will be use to this debut but when mom and eonnie said that it's once in a life I realize it's true and dad talk to me that night too and I tell to him wae I don't want to have a celebration on my debut and dad tell that it's once in a life time too and I don't need to think about the expenses cause they already saved a lot of money dad really convinced me tgat night and I thought all of they said and decided to just say yes eonnie, dad, mom and Lianna thank you for all of the things that you gave me all of the happiness, love and a lot of things I love you guys 

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