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Marlon: ready....set....go

    Both of us drove off 

    After a minutes I arrive first at him tsk this monkey really think that he'll win

    I can't take off my helmet so I went to Jungkook to take it off for me

Lisa: thank you

    He just fix my bangs and smile before I went to Jane and snatch the cards before this monkey do

Lisa: sorry I won *smirk*

[Skip Time]

    After our activities there the boys drove a motorcycle while the girls were at their back bur me I drove on my own cayse I want too and Jungkook agree

    After we park the motorcycles on top of the mountain we got out and watch the sunset

    Jane were taking a pictures of us mostly me and Jungkook

    After that we just ate a dinner and go home

    Once we arrive he help me put all of the paper bags on my room and we just change into our pj's and watch a movie while cuddling

Lisa: do you have anything to do tomorrow? *look up to him*

    He look down to me before shaking his head and peck my lips

Jk: I don't have any schedule but the hyung line have *smile*

Lisa: then you should take a rest tomorrow you barely take a rest

Jk: as long as your in my arms I'm ok love I don't need any rest your my energy *smile*

Lisa: your so cheesy just take a rest tomorrow arasseo?

    He nod his head before claiming my lips

    After a minites we pull away and continue watching

    Once the movie ends both of us sleep in each others embraced and he also put down my teddy bear 

[Skip Time]

    Once I open my eyes I saw him still sleeping so I slowly take off his arms around me and stand up 

    I take a one last glance at him before going to the bathroom and took a shower

    After I wore my bathrobe I went out of the bathroom and he's still sleeping so I went to his side and gently shook him

Lisa: love wake up I thought we have a interview?

    He didn't budge and a idea came up from my mind and gave him a kiss

    I felt him smile before kissing me back and after we pull away this horny bunny saw me in only in my bathroom and start attacking my neck

Lisa: love go ahh take a ahh shower *tap his shoulder*

Jk: just one round love

    I just sigh in defeat cause I know he'll not stop even though I said so

    After we did it not only one round he take a shower while I wore my clothes 

    After I did a light curl on my hair I sat on the bed resting my back on the headrest and use my phone

    Once I tap my instagram there's a lot of mention on just one post so I tap it only to laugh

    This picture were posted there and the caption was 'meet Lisa oppa'

    I grab my 2nd phone and open the tiktok and start videoing 

Lisa: just now I open my IG account and there's a lot of mentioned in one post so curiosity kill me and tap it and guess what it's my twin wait I'll show you

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