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He stares at the blazer resting upon his messy bed, the blazer Sunoo had given him. Why does he still even have it? Riki slips it on though he just wants to give it back, it wasn't his, he didn't believe it was his.

But he knew with the way Sunoo acts, he wouldn't be able to return it. All there was to do was just to appreciate it, he did.

"Where are you going so early in the morning?" As Riki was on his way out with his back, he heard his mother question. "I'm going to work... so i could provide to you."

As he feels his mother come closer, he could feel her hand tightly grip his wrist, squeezing it painfully, "You still don't understand we don't need you."

"But you go ahead and continue, me and your father would love to see the more you could last suffering this way, you'll never be safe."

"O-Okay, momma, you could let go of me." Riki winces, not only at just the words but the pain on his wrist, it was also like her nails were digging into his soft gentle skin. "You should just quit the job, it's getting you nowhere. Nothing ever will." She says and lets go.

"Why do you say such things, momma? You don't love me?" Riki questions with tears in his eyes, looking at his mother who began to walk away. "People like you don't deserve a single good thing in this world, don't you know that?" His mom respond with a smile.

He always believed everything that came out of his parents mouths, he believed this too, he had no other choice. At least that's what he thought.

Even if his friends tried to pull him out of this dark tunnel that he was trapped within because of the desire of just wanting to be someone his parents were proud of,

There was just no proving him otherwise. He'll most likely always give into his mom and dads words.

"I know, mom." He says quietly, hanging his head lowly. "Invite that boss of yours to dinner, me and your father would love to get to know him better."

He brings up his eyes to meet his mothers, placing a smile on his lips, "Okay, i will then."


[ Hoonie ]


When r u coming to see me and jungwon again :(


We miss you


I cant today, im busy


Ughh with what


My mom and dad want sunoo over for dinner, isn't that great 😄






Don't you do it, you know it's all just a trick to put you down again

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