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The office was getting ready to close, Riki was putting in more hours for himself. Only growing tired and hungry, he hasn't eaten all day except for those pastries that Sunoo had brought him. His eyes glued to the screen, organizing schedules for the male who was his boss. 

At this point, he could hear his stomach barking at him for food.

Ah, I'm going to fucking starve! This is so uncomfortable but, I'll handle it, maybe. Just for my parents.

Only moments later, two older males come into the room. Heeseung and Jay smiled at him gently. Jay being the one to speak as the other boy stayed quiet, "We're heading off now. And just to warn ya,"

"Boss is like.. staying and not leaving his office so just a heads up, he might come and bother you!" 

Jay looks at Heeseung, waiting for him to say something to Riki. "O-Oh right, yeah. Just, I hope you could handle it." Heeseung scratches his neck, he wasn't even sure if those were the right words to say. "Can we go to Jake's now?" 

I wonder who that is? Jake? Who the fuck is Jake? Aish, probably not even my business. 

"Okay... thanks for letting me know. I'll see you guys tomorrow then." Riki smiles at the two. "What a sweet boy." Heeseung quietly gushed to himself. "Shut up, we all know he doesn't like that type of stuff!" Jay pinched the older, "Anyways, thank you. Bye now and uh.. good luck once again." 

"Bye, i guess." Riki sighs as he hears the door softly shut. The room filled with silence, all that could be heard was the air conditioning that cooled the boy. 

It got so lonely so quickly.

"Office manager!" 


"What the hell? Are we in some play or some shit? Why do you come out of nowhere!?" 

Sunoo's giggles filled his ears, "You like it though." 

"Says who?" 

"Says that blush on both of your cheeks." 

Riki scurried his hands over his skin and sighed, realizing he'd been tricked, "Screw you. I o-only did that because that blush wasn't intentional and meant nothing." 

"You sure about that? Anyways...! It's after hours for work, it's kind of.. getting dark you know?" 

With a raised eyebrow Riki had, he questioned, "And?" 

A whine fell from Sunoo's lips as he threw his head back, walking over to the desk of Riki's, "It's dinner. Let me treat you." 

Is he really offering me dinner? I've been around him too much! Will I ever catch a damn break?

"Come on. I'll pay, you don't have to worry about that. I.. don't promise I won't be clinging onto you, though." Sunoo adds with a smirk on his lips. "I really have to get back to my Hyung though." Riki scratches his neck, trying to refuse Sunoo's offer. 

At the same time, he kinda felt bad that Sunoo wanted to spend money on him. 

"I'm sure your Hyung will be fine! You've only eaten pastries today and it does sound like your hungry." 

✓ office manager! || sunki ✓Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin