Before reading this story

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"Hello I'm the Author of the book boy of the stars, 

In this book there will be things discussed like: someone being transgender FTM, growing up in a homophobic and transphobic  and abusive Christian household. Christianity in good and bad lighting, bullying, praying the gay/trans away. Self harm, suicidal thoughts and attempts, sexual abuse and a lot of other things that some people might make uncomfortable, or will trigger them. 


I don't want any homophobic or transphobic comments, Or mean comments about Christians, as I myself am I Christian but think it's really important to talk about the bad stuff as I grew up in stuff like this. 

Also the name Alhina is the name he gotten when he was born (so it's a girls name) later in the story it will change

I hope you will enjoy this book and learn something from this. 



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