1. The Dream

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Willow could only feel the pangs of hunger, thirst, and pain as she lay on the hard flooring of her home for the last two months. Her wrists, long contained in shackles were hardened with leathery bands of skin and the crusty ringlets of blood that were once there had become nothing more than scars. Her head pounded behind the haze of the potions she was kept under, leaving her unable to move. The potions had once kept her entirely unconscious but now she moved between consciousness and unconsciousness always with a haze muddling her mind. 

Today, however, the door burst open and an old man was thrown in. Weakly, Willow shifted her unfocused eyes towards the man but she could not focus long enough to see much of him. Irritably, the same small, rat-like man she had seen first in June walked over to her, forced her head up, and poured a potion down her throat. She began to choke as she had not been prepared to drink anything but soon, her eyes and throat burning, her head fell to the ground, her eyes closed and her mind was forced into a state of deep sleep. 

Far away, Harry jolted awake, the events of his dream playing in his mind. Getting up, he took out his quill and began to write a letter to Sirius. He did not know who the gaunt, hollow figure of a woman he had seen was, but he had an odd feeling she looked familiar. 


Willow let out a cry of pain as she was forced to her feet by her hair. With another harsh yank on her hair, the man holding her in place forced her eyes to look upwards. She had become much thinner in the last few months and the simple act of being on her feet was beginning to feel like enough to make her collapse. 

"Willow Ollivander," a slightly rasping voice said. Willow shuttered. She knew that voice. It was the voice she had heard when she was first brought to this cursed house. "Have you considered our proposal?" She was becoming lightheaded from the effort of remaining on her feet, making it difficult to think clearly. 

"I-I," she began weakly. The grip in her hair tightened and she let out a weak cry. Finally, she said, "I c-can't." 

"Yes you can," Voldemort drawled coldly. "Your resistance only delays the inevitable." 

Drunkenly, she rolled her head to look down at the wrinkled form of the dark lord. When her eyes fixed on him, she seemed to become more alert as she said, "I-I won't do it." 

Irritably, the figure behind her flung her limp body to the ground. Willow collapsed and, without the will to try and move, remained exactly where she was, moving in and out of consciousness. They hadn't always kept her out of sorts, but after the strength of her wandless magic became apparent, they had had to resort to stronger methods to contain her. 

"What are we going to do?" Barty Crouch Jr asked, looking up from Willow's crumpled form. 

"We can't keep her here after you've gone," Voldemort said. "Wormtail will not be enough. She must go with you." 

"I'll enlarge the trunk so it's large enough for her and Moody," Barty said, flicking out his tongue. 


"How're you doing, Harry?" Charlie asked, extending a hand to Harry as he stepped out of the fireplace at the Burrow. Harry responded to the handshake but he couldn't help but find himself distracted by Bill who was talking in hushed tones with a man Harry quickly recognized as Willow's cousin Nate. 

When they had escaped upstairs, Ron explained in a low voice, "No one's seen Madam Ollivander since we saw her in the Hospital Wing. The authorities think she's just run off but Nate and Bill think someone's kidnapped her." 

"Are you serious?" Harry said in surprise. 

"And apparently it's making it hard for Mr Ollivander to work," Hermione added. "Her cousin Nate has had to come in and work most days. They're both nearly sick with worry." 

Harry frowned, suddenly deep in thought. His mind was going back to the dream. 

"I think..." he began. "I think I saw her." Sharing confused looks, Ron and Hermione sat down in Ron's room to listen. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2022 ⏰

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