Chapter 9: Train Of Infinite Dream

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"I punched their tickets and put them to sleep just like you said. Please put me to sleep soon too. Please Let me see my dead wife and daughter." Said the Conducter as he was bowing on the ground while crying infront of a weird demonic hand.

"Please... I beg you...," He pleaded as his head touched the ground.

"As you wish. You did well." A hand with the Kanji dream on it said with a sinister smile.

"Sleep now... and meet your family in your dreams." The hand sang out as the conducter got put under the spell and fell completely limp on the floor.

"Um... what can we do?" A girl with braids asked as another girl and two boys sat behind her.

"In a little while, the sleep will deepen, so wait here until then. Malevolence and signs of demons will sometimes awaken demon slayers with good instincts. When you close in to tie them up, be careful not to touch them." The hand spoke out the the girls and boys. As it explained the plan on what to do and what to be careful about.

"I have to stay in the front care for a little while. Do your best until my preparations are complete. And you may have sweet dreams too!" The hand continued to speak out.

"All right...," All of them responded.

"What do you mean by that Michi?," Y/n said with a worried look.

"There is a twelve kizuki on this train and another arriving soon.," He spoke out with a sigh.

"What! I have to tell everyone else!," Y/n yelled as she went to turn around only to have kokushibo grab her arm and pull her back. Y/n turned around with a confused expression as to why he did that only to be met with a stern, emotionless face.

Meanwhile... (In Zenitsu's dream)

"This way, This way!! The peaches over here are delicious! And there's lots of white clover blooming!," Zenitsu yelled as he was holding Nezuko's hand while running.

"I'll make a ring of flowers for you, Nezuko! I'm really good at it!," He continued.

"Okay! Make a lot!," Nezuko replied with a smile.

"There's a river on the way. It's shallow, so you'll be alright, won't you?," Zenitsu said as he turned around to her.

"River? Oh dear, Zenitsu! I can't swim!," Nezuko said with worry in her voice as she had stopped running.

"I'll carry you on my back and jump across! I won't even let your toes get wet! Just leave it to me!" Zenitsu yelled as he waved his hand while his face turned red.

(In Insouke's dream)

"An expedition! An expedition! We're a team of cave explorers!!," Inosuke yelled as he pumped his fist into the air. As a nezuko with bunny ears and a fluffy tail followed behind him.

"Boss! Boss!!," Two shadows yelled from behind.

"Yes, underling 1 and underling 2?," Inosuke yelled as he turned around to face both of them.

"I smell the lord of this cave up ahead!," a boy that has bear like ears and a leaf on his head, as his name was Ponjiro.

"I can hear it breathing as it sleeps," The other one said while it had buck teeth and mouse like ears on his head, as his name was Chuitsu.

"All right, let's go!! It's on!!," Inosuke shouted as he raided his arm up in a fist.

"Come along, underling 3!!," Inosuke shouted to the young bunny gurl.

"Hey! Grah!! Underling 4!!,"

"Yes boss! What would you like me to do!," A girl with cat ears and two tails came out of the shadows. As she had blush on her face and her black hair was braided into 3 braids.

"Get underling 3 to listen!," Inosuke shouted.

"Alright! Come on Nezu let's get going!," She said as she handed the girl some kibble.

"Let's go!!," Inosuke shouted with a smile through his mask.

"Yay!!," Ponjiro, Chuitsu and Ymeow shouted as the jumped up with their fists in the air. And Nezu did the same she jusy didn't shout instead she made a muffled Yay.

(In Rengoku's dream)

Soon enough it shows a room where Rengoku was sitting down and his father was laying with his back toward him as sun shined through the door.

"Hmm? What did I come here to do? Oh, right. To tell my dad I became a hashira.," Rengoku spoke in his mind as he smiled and soon started to speak to his father.

"You became a hashira so what? A worthless title. Who cares. Neither you nor I will ever amount to anything great.," His father spoke out as Rengoku had a supriesed face as he walked out of the room and onto the patio.

"Oh..Senjuro?," Rengoku said as he saw his younger brother poke poke out of the door.

"Was father happy for you? When I become a hashirs, will father prause me too?," Senjuro asked as he looked up to his brother with a hopeful face.

"He didn't used to be like that. Father even became a hashira in the demon slayer corps. He was enthusiastic, but one day he suddenly stopped being a swordsman. Suddenly, even though he had raised us so enthusiastically. Why?,"Rengoku thought as memories flowed through his head.

(In Tanjiro's dream)

There stood Tanjiro with his look before he was a demon slayer. As he looked at his two little siblings.

"Oh! Welcome back, Tanjiro!,"Said Tanjiro's little brother.

"Did you sell all the charcoal?," He sister asked as well.

Soon enough Tanjro ran to his younger siblings while crying and apologizing. As he hugged them and they just looked really confused.

(Back in realtime)

"Should we tie up their arms?", The girl with the pink bow in the back of her head asked.

"Yes. And don't forget the warning to be careful." The girl with braids answered back.

Everyone tied the ropes to each of there arms conecting with Tanjiro's, Zenitsu's, Inosuke's, and Rengoku's wrists.

"Count ad you breathe deeply and slowly. Then you'll fall asleep.," The boy that is connected to Tanjiro thought as he and the others slowed drifted to sleep.

(Meanwhile on top of the train)

"Nen nen kon korori...Forget to breathe, kon korori... And even if a demon comes, kon korori...Even in the stomach, kon korori!," The demon spoke out as he stood on top of the front train car.

"That looks fun. They've begun having happy dreams. They're sound asleep. They can no longer awaken.," The demon said as his eye says lower one.

Now time for a Tashio era secret:
Did you know that the reason why Kokushibo showed up in the car where Y/n was. Was because he wanted to get her away from the demon slayers enough for him to overpower emnu's spell. So that Y/n wouldn't fall asleep like the others.

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