Chapter 3: Rehabilitation Training, part 1

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"Y/n, you wouldn't mind helping with the rehabilitation Training for the boys?" Aoi asked as she walked into the room.

"Oh, no I wouldn't mind!" Y/n says with a smile as she follows Aoi to the Training room.

"Hey! Kanao, long time no see!" You yell as you run up to the younger girl with a big grin.

You watch as she flips a coin and it lands on heads.

"Hello, Y/n", Kanao replies back with her usual smile.

"Alright!, today Zenitsu starts his training and Y/n is going to help out today, so I will explain it again." Aoi says.

"First over there you will lie down and those girls along with y/n will loosen up your stiff muscles." Aoi says while pointing over to Naho, Kiyo, Sumi and you.

"Then reflex training each of these cups contains medical tea that can be applied topically." She says as she points over to kanao and the cups.

"You will compete to see who had to take the medicine. If your opponent holds down your cup before you can raise it, then you have to "drink." Aoi says as she then walks over to Kanao and so do you and she puts her hand on her chest.

"Finally full-body training, simply put, we play tag. Your opponents are Me, Kanao and Y/n over there. She continues then looks at the boys.

"Excuse me, may we have a moment?" Zenitsu asks as he gets up.

"I'm sorry, is there something not clear?" Aoi asks putting her hand down.

"No, it's just... come on you two," Zenitsu says while turning around.

"Nope," Inosuke replies while tanjiro looks at his friend with confusion.

"I'M TELLING YOU TO JUST COME WITH ME!!!," Zenitsu starts to suddenly yell. As he starts to pull Inosuke and Tanjiro across the floor and to the door.

"Come on! Grah! You scum! You trash!," Zenitsu countinues to yell.

"Huh?, hey! They left outside? What for?," you ask with a confused expression.

From inside you could hear Zenitsu yelling at the two.

"Sit down and listen up! You idiot jerks!" Zenitsu yells at the two while flaying his arms around.

"What'd you call me!!" Insouke yells back as Zenitsu punches him into the wall as you hear a big thud against it.

"Eh!? What's happening outside?," you ask Aoi and Kanao. As Kanao just smiles and Aoi crosses her arms.

"We get to touch the girls! They're gonna massage out bodies! When we play with the cups, our hands will touch! When we play tag, we can grab them! They each have nice chest, great butts, and strong thighs!! When they pass by, they smell good! It's a joy just to look at them!!," Zenitsu shouts as you and the girls heard absolutely all he just said.

Aoi is quite disgusted, while you can't help, but have a pink flushed face and is still confused as exactly why he would say such a thing.

While Inosuke and Tanjiro walk in Zenitsu spins in while giggling and cackling. During the whole training Zenitsu was laughing and giggling. Every time he beat Aoi and grabbed her hand and said, "Don't worry. I'd never throw a drink in a girl's face."

He tried to look cool, but he spoke too loudly so everyone overheard. The girls had a funty look in their eyes while you couldn't help, but giggle and squeal at him. He also won during the training, but he grabbed onto a forbidden area on you and Aoi ended up slapping him and dragging him off you. As you stood waiting for Inosuke to come at you. You felt bad for Zenitsu so that's why he let him win, but for inosuke you went all out and he ended up charging into a wall and hitting his head.

"Wah!! I'm sorry! Are you okay! I didn't mean too!" you said while feeling terrible for making him hit his head. And with that the first day you attended was over.

Now time for a Tashio era secret!
I heard when Y/n met Nezuko she wouldn't let her go because she was so cute. When Nezuko turned small y/n couldn't help, but squeeze her. A little to hard due to her strength Nezuko fell asleep in her arms.

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