“What?” She cocked

“That was a brilliant idea Dee!” Temi exclaimed, “You'll move in with Yomi-”

“I will not!” She shook her head, “I can't move in with a guy I barely know.”

“He's been your employer for at least two weeks now.”

“And it makes it okay for me to automatically want to move in with him? Come on Tems, you know it makes no sense.”

Temi nodded, “You're right. Okay, do you have any better options?”

“I'm not leaving the house.” Temi made to interject, but she was stopped by Dinma's index finger up. “Before you say anything, I'll be looking for a new place while at the house.”

“That's not safe.”

“Nothing will happen to me.”

Dinma was discharged from the hospital the same day,with a cast on her injured leg, and was taken home by Temi.

The sight of their apartment made her shudder; the door was hanging open, held by a hinge rather than two, the contents of every cabinet in the apartment were out on the floors, and it was ironic how no one had stolen anything yet from the house. The blood stains on the floors made her stomach churn, knowing that, that was her blood, from her own body.

Temi had grimaced at the sight but said nothing. She helped Dinma into the apartment, and made her sit on a chair while she tried her best to arrange the house.

They both said nothing to each other, and while Temi worked, Dinma sat helplessly, feeling useless. The few times she had tried to help, Temi had given her glares that made her sit back.
Eventually, when Temi was done cleaning up, it was pretty late,it was dark outside.

Temi helped her get on the bed, then flopped tiredly  beside her.

“We'll order something, I don't have strength to cook.” Then she sat up, “You know we don't have to stay here.”

So they were back to this.

Temi continued, “I mean, look at the door, it's not safe to sleep in this place.” Her voice rose at the end of the statement.

"Knock knock." Someone called from outside the apartment.
Temi stood in a lot slower pace, and went out the opened door to meet the person.

With Temi out of the room, she figured that her roommate was actually making a sense. The room felt scary, as every object she stared at loomed into something terrifying. So as it was, it wasn't just her safety that mattered, her mental state was also included.

Temi was back, and trailing behind her was a downcast Yomi.

“I'll be outside in case you need anything.” Temi gave an impish smile, then walked around the man, out of the apartment.

“How did you find my apartment? Let me guess—Abike?”

He let out a chuckle. “Are you always selfish?”

“Excuse me?”

“I mean, don't you think about others when you take decisions.”

“What exactly is your point?” She was visibly annoyed.

“You want to stay in an unsafe place, knowing that your room mate wouldn't leave you by yourself. Isn't that you putting you both at risks?”

She dragged herself to sit up, not caring in the most that she wasn't looking herself, the man was clearly asking for a tongue lashing, and that she was going to give.

“I really do not see how this is your business-”

He interjected, “I'm sorry about earlier today.”

That shut her up.

He continued in a sigh, “I was out of line with my emotions. I just– seeing you lying there, it made me really scared, and angry.”

Her cheeks warmed at the statement, and she felt her heart flutter at his concern.

“I– I know it's not my place to tell you what to do, but I really care about your safety.”

She let out a sigh, and pulsed her lips. “I understand.”

“Now I'm begging. Please come with me, I can't let you stay here.”

Yomi was not prepared for the response he got. Infact, he was very excited, excited that she had agreed to stay in his house, but of course not without a condition, that he would have to help her in finding a new apartment while she stayed in his.

He didn't mind any condition given, he was going to do whatever it takes to make sure she stayed. And with Temi's assistance, he carried her into his car, not minding the neighbors' stares. And while they waited in the car, Temi hurriedly packed a bag for her friend, and bided her a safe  trip.

As they drove through the crowed city, Dinma had her face out the window, while he kept casting worried glances at her.

“If you have something to say, say it.” She said, her face still out the window.

He didn't have anything to say. He was only worried that she might be in pain and was maybe hiding it. And when he had said nothing, she turned to face him. Under the street lights that streamed into the car as they slowed into red light on the traffic sign, he felt his breath knock off him when he stared at her. Every feature on her face was accentuated by the lights. He noticed for the first time, how small and inviting her lips were, his gaze trailed along the outline of her lips, and he felt a raging need to kiss her.

A honk behind him jerked him out reverie, and he realized that the lights had turned green. He gave an awkward cough, and turned to continue driving.

After a few minutes of driving, he spoke up.
“I'll be heading to my sister's place to pick up Zara.”

“Okay.” Was her curt reply.
He could tell her tired she was. Her body was sagged in exhaustion against the seat, and he knew he just needed to get her to his house as soon as possible.

I am so sorry for the slow updates.

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