24 | 'what do you mean?!'

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HOW HE EVEN FOUND THE COURAGE to confess to the purple haired girl he'd been crushing on a little too much for the past few weeks, Denki didn't know. But was he proud of himself for the way he did it? He didn't know that one too.

You see, Denki had planned out everything accordingly for his confession to be as romantic and memorable as possible, down to memorizing line by line what he was going to say(it was surprising coming from him seeing he'd never managed to memorize a single answer for a test successfully) and even mapping out when and where it was going to happen. However when he actually said the three words, he didn't even plan on it happening that day, instead it all came spilling out of his mouth accidentally when he was unable to resist how pretty she looked while playing the guitar and singing to a song he couldn't quite focus on properly with his eyes locked onto her in awe.

Luckily it all worked out, Kyoka accepting his confession way too quickly and momentarily dropping her guitar to jump into his arms with her usual cold and scary personality being thrown out of the window. And so, just like that, they ended up dating which was yet to be made public despite their friends' suspicions such as "I saw you holding hands under the table" or "You two are spending much more time together than usual" with the two being quick to shoot back insisting that there is absolutely nothing between them. Denki actually wanted to be super open about their relationship and brag about it to the world, and of course, Kyoka did too, but she just wasn't ready yet and Denki was willing to give her all the time in the world, which was one of the countless reasons she loved him.

But that only lasted a short while, made evident by when her bubblegum haired friend with way too much energy announced from the other end of the phone, "We're all gonna go to that One Direction concert being held this weekend, you better show up! Make sure to bring your boyfriend with you. Oh, and can you tell Momo sweetie-pie to come too? She isn't answering my calls..."

Kyoka's eyes widened and she could swear her phone almost dropped from her hand out of shock and confusion. How did Mina already know she was dating Denki? And why was she so sure about it? Damn, she thought she did a good job of hiding it too. She made sure not to glance at him too much when they were around other people and even had to resist the urge to give him a quick peck on the cheek when she saw him hanging out with his friends in favor of not getting them to find out until she was prepared. Did Denki secretly tell everyone? Numerous thoughts and questions came rushing into her mind all at once.

"How do you know I have a-" She immediately put a hand on her mouth to stop herself from voicing her thoughts out loud and peered over to Denki, who was repeatedly plugging his phone into his charger in hopes that it would finally work but to no avail. He got to hear what Mina was saying over the phone due to her loud voice and appeared to be equally as shocked as she was about the whole thing. Her glance fixated onto a glare as she silently mouthed the words to him, "Did you tell them?" The blonde shook his head frantically to say no and she sighed.

"Of course I would know, Kyoka! You and Denki are just too obvious!", Mina chirped between giggles, seeming to be happy that she finally admitted that she did in fact have a boyfriend even if it came out of her mouth accidentally. Mina was always super interested in her friends' relationships and was an absolute freak for romance, though her own relationships were a mystery to everyone. She had been trying to get with a guy named Ejirou for a while now, but every time she tried to tell him she liked him(quite straightforwardly, might I add), the point never seemed to hit home for the redhead and he took it as a weird joke she made up. She was determined to confess properly someday, but for now all she could do was listen and dance to Nicki Minaj songs to cope with her feelings.

"We're not...-" Kyoka was unable to complete her sentence as her amethyst orbs landed on the blonde sitting on the hardwood floor, broken charger in hand, with his lips pulled into a slight frown and a look of solemn in his eyes. Seeing him so sad about not being able to reveal their relationship made her heart hurt. After a second of thinking, she smirked and rolled her eyes. "Okay, yes, fine, we're dating."

Denki's eyes seemed to literally glow in excitement as the charger dropped from his loose grip and he looked at her with his mouth gaping wide open from surprise mixed with an almost smile that made her satisfied for making her boyfriend happy. A sudden sense of confidence came over her and she didn't see the harm in telling everyone now. Kyoka never thought she would be where she was in the present and never once had a stable and well-functioning relationship because she always dumped her exes, until now, as it seemed her and Denki were meant for each other despite their differences.

She loved him. The way he played the guitar so talentedly and was willing to sing her love songs all day long, the way he pretended to like the same things as her to receive words of praise from her, the way he had a confused yet adorable face when he couldn't figure something out, the way he would visit her dorm late at night because he couldn't sleep and wanted cuddles, the way he always tried to flirt with her and failed miserably, the way he gave her countless displays of affection- she loved everything about him. And she was ready to tell the world all about it.

Mina practically screamed over the phone out of enthusiasm even though she always just knew they were dating and started to congratulate her along with giving her lots of relationship advice, which Kyoka wasn't really paying attention to as she and Denki gave each other bright smiles. After her bubblegum haired friend was done talking at last, she spoke, "See you on Saturday, then." She didn't say anything more and hung up the call, Denki immediately starting to talk after she set her phone down beside her on the bed. "Wait, does this mean we can finally tell everyo-"

"Yup. You seemed kinda upset when I was about to deny it, so I figured why not." She cut him off short, shrugging her shoulders as if it was no big deal, and a wide grin parted his lips as he jumped on the bed to lock her into a warm embrace. The purple haired girl tried to smile despite him squeezing the life out of her and yelped, "Woah, easy there."

"I'm so happy!" He beamed with his head still buried in her shoulder, and she wrapped her arms around him as well to pat his back in an attempt to calm down the blonde. Denki had been waiting patiently for the longest time for this to happen, and now that it did, he was way too excited to even react properly. Why wouldn't he be? He could finally tell everyone how much he loved her and yell it to the sun after holding back for so long.

Her phone started buzzing all of a sudden, interrupting their moment, and he broke away from the hug to let her pick up the call.

As she sighed and took the phone in her hand, her brows furrowed in pure confusion when she read the letters on the device which spelled out the name of... Shoto? Why was he calling her? Did something happen? She worriedly pressed the answer button and brought the phone to her ear, being met by the sound of rain pouring from the other end of the line, meaning that he was probably outside. Oh right. She almost forgot it started raining due to being distracted by Denki hugging her earlier.

"Where's Momo?!" His voice was almost muffled out by the rain, but Kyoka quickly caught onto what he asked and a lump had formed in her throat with her eyes widening from concern at the mention of Momo. It didn't make it any better that he sounded very stressed and was clearly in a hurry. Mina did say that Momo wasn't picking up her calls either. She glanced at Denki, who had the same amount of concern in his face.

With panic surging through her and worried thoughts rushing in her mind, all she could think to say right now was, "What do you mean?!"

-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ (𝙫𝙤𝙩𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙥 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙗𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙧𝙚𝙘𝙚𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣!)

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