16 | 'are you ticklish?'

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EVERYTHING WAS back to normal again.

Thankfully, Momo was in a much better state now and she was doing well. And yes, she could finally follow her sleep schedule properly. Since the incident, Shoto and her became closer as Shoto visited her dorm more regularly every now and then and she enjoyed his company quite a lot. She took her dual haired friend's words into careful consideration and had started disregarding her mother's orders, instead choosing to spend more time with whoever she wished and cared about dearly.

Shoto on the other hand, was more than overjoyed at this. He was happy that Momo fought her fears and started making decisions for herself, however, he was more happy at the fact that he could see her bright and mesmerizing smile again due to being able to come over to see her in her dorm room more often(of course, what did we really expect from Shoto Todoroki). And so, overall, they were doing greater than ever.

But, that wasn't quite the case for Kyoka and Momo's relationship at the moment as they were both too nervous to address the incident. Therefore they had stopped all sort of communication and hadn't spared a word to one another even when they were within close proximity. Momo worried that Kyoka hated her and wouldn't accept her apology, Kyoka carrying the weight of extreme guilt due to potentially hurting her best friend; the bond of the two who were considered inseparable was nearly torn into shreds all because of a single argument.

Which is why, Momo, unlike Kyoka, having the ability to be able to talk important and sensitive things over in a proper manner, had planned to have a chat with her purple haired friend today in hopes of fixing the issue and getting to talk to her dear best friend again.

Her plan to do so was very carefully thought out. She wanted to make this go as perfect as possible so she wouldn't ruin even more of the relationship they had right now. However, there was one little flaw in her plan, one that hadn't crossed her mind as she was only thinking of what to say to her. She didn't know how to find Kyoka.

At first, she thought that because they were in the same chemistry class she would be able to get in contact with her after class ended. But after it did end, the purple haired girl stormed out of the classroom in a fast and hurried pace causing Momo to come to a realization that Kyoka had always exited class as soon as it ended ever since their argument. She was already sure that the reason for that was herself, of course Kyoka wouldn't want to be near her after all that went down. She figured that this was even more difficult than the very subject of chemistry, it was as if she thought that she could make a potion but she was missing just one ingredient.

Momo couldn't let herself give up so easily. Kyoka and her were friends for nearly three years, so naturally, the raven haired girl knew her better than anyone else, and she knew just almost everything about her. Everything including, what spots she would like to be in at school. She had decided to take advantage of that fact today and had a specific idea in mind. 

After a few classes, lunchtime came around. As the students scurried to get to the cafeteria, she took a quick glance at the place just to check if Kyoka could possibly be there even though she knew that Kyoka would never want to be around such a huge crowd of people. Of course, as expected, she wasn't there. And so Momo quickly turned around to run through the hallway exclaiming hurried apologies to the strangers in the crowd she pushed past.

She passed numerous classrooms, big exhales leaving her mouth as she ran. She was almost running out of breath. Momo was never really someone you could call athletic in that sense. She was more devoted to passing university and liked to spend her time either in her dorm studying, with her small group of friends, or visiting a nearby library to read a good book. But, if she wanted to get her dear best friend back, she was gonna have to move fast so she could find her in time.

𝐦𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐥 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭, todomomoTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang