17 | 'hanging out'

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DRY LEAVES THAT had fallen from the trees and were now on the ground crumpled under their feet producing soft crackling noises over the sounds of their voices as the pair walked along the street together with smiles spread happily on their lips.

Today was a much needed weekend. Momo was already stressed out due to the result of overwork the past week and was planning on spending her weekend by pulling an all-nighter to focus on studying for an upcoming test. However, she seemed to have changed her mind all too quickly, because when Shoto called her on this very afternoon to ask if she wanted to hang out, she couldn't help but eagerly agree.

Of course, studying was important, but she had always enjoyed her dual haired friend's company a lot more than she expected. So that test could wait for later, right?

"So, where do you wanna go first?" Shoto asked as he glanced back and forth between Momo and his surroundings, presumably trying to find a place to visit. Momo looked back at him as she nudged his arm with her shoulder teasingly and replied, "I don't know, you invited me. You're supposed to be the gentleman here."

Shoto let out a dramatic "Fine." and looked around as they strolled across the footpath before he stopped walking making her do the same. A small little café on their right, which was almost unnoticeable due to being huddled with many different stores, had caught his eye.

Wrapping a calloused hand on her wrist, he tugged her over to the direction of the café. She was a little surprised by the sudden action, but she followed along. When they arrived inside, which didn't take very long as it was just a few seconds away, they were introduced with a homely interior with warm lighting and the scent of hot coffee wafting in their nostrils. There was a little menu framed on the wall which Shoto pointed at as he raised a brow at her while simply questioning, "Coffee?"

Momo covered her mouth with her hand and chuckled softly. "Sure, but I prefer tea." He nodded silently in response as he tugged her with him again and brought them to a table bathed in sunlight coming from a window right beside it. A waiter gave them a menu as they took a seat. Shoto snatched the menu on the table with his eyes scanning the list of available drinks and appetizers in a fast pace. "Let's see if there's tea here, then."

"But if there's hot chocolate, sign me up." She only half joked on that remark. If Momo had to live without taking a single sip of tea, she would definitely go for hot chocolate. The sweet warm taste of the drink made her feel pleasant. Of course, tea was her all time favorite, but she figured that hot chocolate would be nice to have at the moment.

Following her request, Shoto found a section in the menu in which numerous beverages were listed, that including Momo's requested hot chocolate. He ordered the drink for her to the waiter including a cup of coffee for himself. 

Shoto wasn't a very loyal and 'I'll-order-a-drink-for-you' type of guy, but for Momo, he would give up his status of being a deplorable asshole in a heartbeat. However, Momo seemed to pick up on the unusual behavior and pressed a finger to her chin as if she were musing to herself as she spoke with mere sarcasm in her tone, "Hmm, how strange. Since when were you so hospitable?"

"I'm supposed to be the gentleman here, remember?", he brought back to her old statement and raised a corner of his lips in a smirk. Resting his fist against his cheek, he looked at the raven haired girl across the table like she was his world as she chuckled in amusement. Shoto loved making her laugh because her soft little bursts of giggles seemed to be like music to his ears. She truly was heavensent.

The two continued to chatter about their day as per usual with Shoto being unable to keep his eyes off her. They were perfectly fine. It was just regular small talk. He was completely normal. But that was only the case for a little while before Momo suddenly remarked out of the blue, "Doesn't this seem like a date?" Yeah.

𝐦𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐥 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭, todomomoWhere stories live. Discover now