19 | 'dance with me'

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OBNOXIOUSLY LOUD MUSIC blasted throughout the walls of the gigantic mansion muffling out the sounds of cheering and laughing from mostly drunken university students that had nothing to do with their lives. Momo could feel a headache forming from all the noise bursting her eardrums, and it definitely didn't make it any better when Mina offered in a voice way too loud for her liking at the moment, "Yaomomo, get yourself a drink!"

"Uh, Mina, I don't exactly do drinking. This fruit punch can suffice...?", the raven haired girl responded awkwardly as she showed the plastic red cup filled with fruit punch in her hand to her bubblegum haired friend, who was probably drunk as well judging by her flushed face and how she could barely stand up straight.

Momo definitely did not want to be here right now.

She had always declined Mina's party invitations which were held in her mansion when her crazy rich parents weren't home. It wasn't because she couldn't handle a party or anything, but rather she knew that Mina's parties would always be super crowded and noisy thanks to her friend Ochaco, who had once went to a party hosted by Mina, and never wanted to go back there again.

She only came because she felt bad for declining her invitations all the time, but right now, she figured that she should've taken Ochaco's advice because as soon as she went inside, she was very regretful of even bothering to come in the first place all dressed up in a knee length light green frock and white heels with her raven locks tied up in a mediocre bun, not bothered enough to include in the long strand which hung on the left side of her face.

"Come on, Yaomomo, you should learn to party up a little sometimes...!" Mina wrapped an arm around her shoulder and she inwardly cringed. Momo knew that Mina would never be this pushy and insistent towards her when she was sober, but she really did not want to deal with her crap at the moment.

The raven haired girl pulled her arm off her shoulder and inched away. "Right... I'll be excusing myself to the bathroom." And just like that, she walked away from Mina and descended off into the crowd of people in the dance floor, immediately regretting her choice to do so as she realized just how many sweaty teenagers she would have to push through to get to the bathroom. Of course. Mina was a famous Instagram model after all, so really, the fact that there were so many people who came shouldn't surprise her.

Muttering aloud a bunch of 'excuse me's as she tried her best to shove through numerous people with sharp pain in her feet from wearing high heels, she wondered how she managed to put herself through this awful nightmare. There was really no escape for her at the moment. If she stayed in the corner away from the crowd, she would be met with a drunken Mina urging her to loosen up, but then again, if she tried to avoid her by going to the bathroom, then she would have to deal with a situation like... well, this.

Momo was just halfway through the crowd before feeling the impact of her head bumping into a muscular chest. Of fucking course. How was she supposed to even see that coming if her vision was covered by countless people?

She shut her eyes closed in hopes of waking up from this horrific nightmare as she exclaimed a quick apology to the stranger she had bumped into, not wanting to feel the embarrassment any longer as she stepped back, about to be taken away by numerous teenagers behind her yet again, before this supposed 'stranger' pulled her back in by wrapping two strong arms around her waist, shielding her from the crowd.

"Let go of me, you creeeee..." Her voice trailed off as she opened her eyes, lashes fluttering as she blinked in surprise from being met by the sight of her dual haired friend's heterochromatic eyes looking back at her in a sense of mere joy with a smirk traced across his lips, his tall bulky figure pressed against her own with his arms wrapped around her waist for protection, and the vibrant color changing lights of the disco ball reflecting on him.

𝐦𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐥 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭, todomomoWhere stories live. Discover now