4 | "family" dinner

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SHOTO'S EYES WIDENED in surprise as he looked at the contact name of the very person that had called him on this fateful afternoon. He leaned against the chair of his study desk and let his ringtone play for a hot minute as he contemplated on whether to answer the phone or not.

Convincing himself that it might've been for something important, he sighed and clicked on the answer button as he put his phone next to his ear to hear the sweet and comforting voice of Fuyumi on the other end.

"Hello, Shoto!" She greeted happily as Shoto's felt relieved to hear his sister sounding happy for once. Managing to keep his cold and scary demeanor, he grumbled, "You called me while I was studying, this better be important..." He could hear a nervous chuckle coming from Fuyumi and waited for her to elaborate.

"You've been working hard, and mother has been worrying about you everyday." The dual haired man stayed silent to the mention of his dear mother as she continued, "So, I suggested that we invite you to dinner! We can just sit down and talk about how we've been. If you came, we'd be really happy!"

Shoto had to think hard about his decision. He knew that a dinner in the Todoroki household never really ended well because of the asshole of a man he had to acknowledge as his father. But he was dying to get to see his mother and the faces of his siblings who he cared about(surprising, I know) very much.

And so he gave in and reluctantly agreed, "Alright."

Fuyumi instantly beamed in joy as she responded excitedly, "Great! Be there at 6pm. I'll be helping mom make dinner now, bye!" Shoto didn't get a chance to say bye back as she quickly hung up in a haste.

After that, Shoto's mind was way too jumbled up to even try to go back to studying. The dual haired man proceeded to put his elbow on the desk and his arm in his hair while he continuously clicked on his pen on his other hand as he tried to read the words written on the notebook in front of him. Needless to say, he failed to do it.

So he shut the notebook closed and gave up on studying altogether.


It was 6 o' clock, and the dual haired man was standing outside of the small mansion where his family lived. And the same household where countless traumatizing events had taken place for the Todoroki siblings, and especially their mother.

Nonetheless, Shoto tried his best to forget those... memories, and instead looked at the very door that would open to the world of the dark past he once had to endure.

He raised his finger to rest on the overly fancy doorbell as he took a deep inhale and rung it slowly. The all too familiar melodious chime caused by ringing the bell, the one that Shoto once deathly feared of hearing to see his father walk in the house, had played and Shoto heard the sounds of loud footsteps coming nearer.

 The door immediately swung open to reveal a gleeful Fuyumi practically glowing from excitement, and the smell of delicious home cooked food which came from the kitchen wafted in Shoto's nose. "Good evening, Shoto! Come in, they're all waiting for you.", his sister implored.

The usual terror of entering the Todoroki household for Shoto was lifted as he put a foot on the hardwood floor and took off his shoes. His sister lead him to the giant living room where his two older brothers, Touya and Natsuo, were seated on the carpet as they tried to throw a Cheeto in the air and see who could catch it in their mouth first.

Shoto looked at his oldest brother Touya who was wrapped in bandages almost all over. He had slowly been recovering from a severe case of depression and self harm and was discharged from hospital a year ago. Shoto's face grew softer to the fact that he could see Touya was a bit more happier now.

𝐦𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐥 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭, todomomoWhere stories live. Discover now