14 | 'momo yaoyorozu'

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THE SOUND OF THE TEACHER speaking turned into a muffled voice in Shoto's ears with his thoughts shutting out anything that was happening in his surroundings. He repeatedly clicked his pen as he put his other calloused hand in his hair out of stress.

"I'll help Momo and bring her back.", those words he said the day before with such confidence he wore in his tone mocked him as it echoed over and over again in his head. Bring her back? Most of the time, he always dismissed and flat out ran away from his problems. How was he even supposed to try and fix this with his stubborn personality and way of doing things?

He did have a choice to ignore the issue and not do anything at all about it like he always did, but he had already promised Kyoka that he would bring her back. It would make him look like a dick after he'd given her such reassurance. And, Momo wasn't just any problem, she was the girl he deeply cared about(and obviously had way too big of a crush on her but we're not going to talk about that again right now). He wanted to help her. He wanted to at least try.

The dual haired man started subconsciously staring at the window on his right, which gave him a boring view of the hallway outside the classroom with barely anyone passing by as it was class time. His fist was pressed against his cheek in a dismissive manner as he thought that maybe if he tried to clear up his thoughts then an idea for helping the girl would magically spring into his brain.

His eyes suddenly found themselves wandering on an all too familiar figure that was striding across the hall as his pupils shrinked in disbelief.

However, that caused him to be too distracted to be able to feel the teacher's eyes locked onto him in an irked sort of glare. "Shoto Todoroki, would you perhaps like to share with the class what is so interesting outside that window which you're staring at?" All the teachers had a grudge on him, so it didn't phase Shoto in the slightest bit as he was already used to this by now. But, he was too busy to be able to deal with this at the moment and spoke suddenly, "I need to go to the washroom!"

"Not until you listen closely to this important lecture--" The teacher was quickly cut off by Shoto as he jolted up from his seat and exclaimed in a half-yell, "IT'S AN EMERGENCY!" He was clearly too distracted to care about the embarrassment he would be getting from his odd actions.

After eliciting funny looks from the other students in the class and a slow nod from the teacher, Shoto walked quickly out of his chair eventually devolving into flat out running out the classroom. He started to rush after someone who clearly wasn't aware of his presence as the sound of his fast footsteps echoed throughout the hall.

He started running out of breath from his sudden outburst and stopped sprinting just within reach of the person he was trying to chase down as he crouched slightly and put his hands on his knees and spoke within exhausted breaths, "Momo!"

The raven haired girl stood still and looked back at Shoto with clear horror in her eyes as the stack of papers she was supposed to carry to the teachers' lounge dropped from her hands. Shoto kneeled down and started picking up the papers for her as she quickly dropped to her knees as well and snatched all the papers, including the ones he picked up in his hands, in a hurried pace. They both kept eye contact for what felt like hours as Momo trembled and stood back up with Shoto quickly following along as well. "Why did you shut me out like that?"

"I'm-I'm sorry Shoto, I really can't do this with you right now..." was all she managed to choke out in response as she looked away with her eyes glistening from tears edging in on them. She held her papers close to her chest as she backed away slowly and made a run for it.

Shoto tried to start chasing her again but his legs wouldn't let him. It was too late. He stretched out a hand out to her as if it would bring the girl back but slowly shifted to hold it in front of his face as he stared at his palm with shaky exhales leaving his mouth.

He had slipped away his only opportunity to fix things. But, she clearly did not want to be in his presence, and as much as he hated it, he didn't want to force her to do things she wasn't comfortable with. He could be patient with her as long as it takes.

He just hoped that she would come back to him soon.


Momo was stressed out.

She felt incredibly guilty for leaving her dual haired friend like that. He clearly cared and wanted to help her, however she couldn't bring herself take his help. She believed that she didn't deserve it. Before, she actually thought that he hated her and had every right to, but now she regretted making such a rude assumption about her friend who treated her with such care.

Of course, there was that she could always apologize to him, but immense pressure and anxiety was eating away at her from the inside out. She wasn't even allowed to talk to him, she found that there was quite literally nothing she could do, unless she ever wanted to disobey her parents. But she had already made it clear to herself that it wasn't an option. The thought of doing that and getting caught terrified her.

The raven haired girl let out a dramatic groan out of stress as she slumped her head down into the piece of paper that contained homework she was supposed to finish by tomorrow and dropped the pen in her hand on her study table. The student council meeting that she held today was exhausting enough, she didn't need more difficult drama to add onto that.

With her head still rested on the table, she turned her head to face the phone not far beside her as she reached out for the device with her left hand and turned it on to have the light of the screen, which reflected on her face way too brightly for her taste, become her only source of light save for the lamp which illuminated the room with warm orange lighting. She checked the time on the phone in her hand.


Of course. Her sleep schedule was already ruined anyway.

She stood up leaving her long forgotten homework to deal with for later, put on her fluffy light pink colored slippers, and opened the door to mindlessly exit her dorm room in her pajamas. She figured that she could gather her thoughts somewhere that she thought was more... peaceful.

Making sure not to wake up any of the students divided by paper thin walls in the dormitory building, she strolled silently across the hall over to the elevator. She waited patiently for the two steel doors of the elevator to open and walked in. Pressing a button with the letter 'R' composed onto it, within a good 20 seconds the doors opened once again with a ding indicating that she had arrived.

The raven haired girl went out into the roof, with only the comfort of her pajamas and fluffy slippers to protect her from the cold chill of the night, as she walked towards the railing in front of her and put her elbows over the cold steel of the railing to hold her head between both of her hands. She had never been to the roof at such a late hour, and if she had to be honest, it was really peaceful. She stared out in awe at the view.

Momo Yaoyorozu was never much of a fan of the night. She was more of a morning or evening person. The pitch black darkness that took over the sky and the chilly weather that would spread around wasn't too great for her liking. And so, she completely dismissed and chose to ignore the actual beauty of nighttime before.

But now, she just might've changed her mind, because the tranquil atmosphere instead of the bustling streets or the vivid sunlight in the morning gave her a great sense of peace.

Taking a moment to close her eyes so she could take in the moment, she smiled to herself for the first time in a while. It was difficult for her to keep up with wearing fake smiles on her lips to reassure people that she was alright. She wasn't alright. She couldn't be alright with all that was going on. However, she could thankfully remedy her thoughts for the time being.

She wasn't paying too much attention to her surroundings to notice that sudden footsteps were slowly coming nearer and nearer behind her. And soon enough, a voice spoke,

"Hey there, Momo."

-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ (𝙫𝙤𝙩𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙥 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙗𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙧𝙚𝙘𝙚𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣!)

a/n: momo is such a pretty princess im sobbing i want to give her a hug

𝐦𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐥 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭, todomomoWhere stories live. Discover now