Chapter 5

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(All pictures, products and if I make allusions to anime, series and games do not belong to me)

A few days have passed since the warehouse brawl against Moebius. The situation is settled and Pah has finally calmed down. A few members of Moebius actually joined Toman, but most resisted. Linc is at the Musashi Festival with Tami wearing a yukata. They are here with Draken, Emma, Takemichi and Hina.

Draken and Emma have split from the group to do something of their own

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Draken and Emma have split from the group to do something of their own. Tami and Hina talk while Takemichi and Linc stand a little further back. Linc smiles, then turns serious again and claps his hands together. Takemichi is startled and looks at him in confusion.

Takemichi: I know we're at a temple, but why are you praying?

Linc: I pray that Tami doesn't have too much of an appetite today.

Takemichi: Why?

Linc: Takemitchy, let me tell you something that happened last year.

Takemichi raises an eyebrow and nods a little uncertainly.

Takemichi: Ooookay?

Linc: Last year I had to buy twice everything there is to eat at this festival.

Takemichi: I don't really see the pro-

Linc: For her alone.

Takemichi's face twists in shock and looks at Tami, who doesn't show any signs of eating that much.

Takemichi: HOW?!

Linc: I dont know.

Confused, the two girls turn to see the boys standing there nervously.

Tami: What were you two just talking about?

Linc: Hahaha, nothing. We haven't talked about anything, right, Takemitchy?

Takemichi: Hahaha, right.

The two girls look at each other and then shrug.

Tami: Come on Linc, I'm hungry.

Linc sighs and follows his girlfriend to one of the many food stalls. The two eat a few dishes, although Tami never seems to get enough. After some time it starts to rain and the two hide under a tree. Linc puts an arm around Tami and pulls her close so she doesn't get cold. Tami smiles and snuggles further into him. But the moment doesn't last long as Takemichi and Mitsuya run past.

Linc: Mitsuya, Takemitchy! What's happening?!

Mitsuya: Draken is in big trouble Moebius is attacking him!

Linc's eyes widen.

Tami: Let's go!

The four run to the parking lot and already see some Moebius Gang members lying on the ground and between them stands Draken with blood running from his head.

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